First things first, fantasy bracketting on Yahoo Sports if you're up for it. ID is 1729 and password is roflopadousthethird :) Anyways, I did that meme where people associated me with certain things. I explain them here. You can comment and I can give you some ish too.
First up is from
caruso Artpads!: During the the 06 season and some of the 07 season, I would go on the artpad thingie online and draw up random baseball comic thingies. They were silly, stupid, but to the point. And they weren't drawn that greatly. But I had fun making them but the Red Sox sucked whenever I made them so I stopped.
Music memes: In case you haven't noticed, I like music. I like to do music memes for shits and giggles and also to somehow influence some people if possible. Yeah...that's all about this one. THough I've been good with the lack of overkill :)
Classic rock:
saxy_clarinet had this one too...I'm a fan of older rock n' roll music. Springsteen is a favorite as are Clapton, The Band, Bob Seger(most def), Eagles, etc. I get on different kicks but I stay constant in the older music category a lot of times.
Jonathan Papelbon: Jonathan Papelbon is batshit crazy and I love him for it. Anything he says is almost pure gold. I'd love to try to get a talk show with him, Bill Lee, Dennis Eckersley, Manny Ramirez and Kevin Millar and see how through the roof the batshit quotient gets.
Boston Red Sox:
blinding_voip also said this. I'm a Red Sox fan. I think this one is pretty self explanatory.
Then from
blinding_voip Crackfic: When I write, I write crackfic. Well that's the best way I can put it. It's batshit crazy and a lot of fun. I don't like to write anything angsty or emo because I suck balls at that kind of writing. I write banter and crazy well.
Cora/Lowell OTP: In case you haven't noticed, this is my OTP. Alex Cora/Mike Lowell...I could go on for ages about them but I'm sure you've all heard it. I love to write about them and it doesn't matter which way. Friendshippy, Lovey, Sexy, I don't care...though the third one is horribly written. Trust me. Reasons -- For one thing Cora was "tearing up" thinking of life without Mikey after the 07 WS. Mikey said Cora was the sexiest position player...and said he had "mysterious eyes" which was pretty hilarious. Anyways, that's all I'll say because I'm pretty sure you all will get annoyed.
Bronson Arroyo: When I first started out this LJ, I loved the shit out of Bronson Arroyo. I still do, but it's pretty calm right now. That's where the 61 is from :P But anyways, it was tough to be a Bronson fan and a baseball fan at the same time because the fangirls always gave me a bad name. *sigh* But it's okay. Also in the era of the fake LJs, I did one of Bronson and it sorta made the Boston yeah. Apparently I was a very convincing Bronson. :P
Manny petting Tavarez like a cat: First time I met
blinding_voip, we were at
sweetdvl358's dorm at URI. We chilled out, had fun, watched the ballgame between the Twins and Red Sox. During this game, there was a pretty elongated scene of Manny Ramirez petting Julian Tavarez like a cat. We were all geeking out listening to Don Orsillo and Jerry Remy wondering WTF and Orsillo squeaking out "SOMEBODY MAKE HIM STOP!" and then I kept saying "KITTY!" because it seemed like he was petty a kitty. So full of lulz.
And finally
saxy_clarinet Alex Cora: Backup infielder for the Mets. He was with the Red Sox for the past few seasons before that. He was good at what he did, but his defense was declining a bit in 08. Almost Jeterian. But anyways, I liked him irrationally though not as much as Jerry Remy did, but that's a whole other level. The Jerry Remy mancrush on Cora is widely talked about in my house to the point where my mom asked my dad when he said that Cora was on the DL adn not with the team for this series "Where is he then? At Remy's house dressed as a schoolboy" to which I shouted from my room "OH DEAR GOD MY BRAIN!!" so yeah...have fun getting that mental image out of your heads...also I am the Alex Cora of Love.
Narragansett: I live here. It's in RI. It's pretty and such. Chris Carter (the ballplayer) spent the offseason here training. I question his taste in training places. However, I am amused. I don't think I have anything else to add here but there's lots of ocean, lots of fishing, and lots of beaching and great seafood. That is all.
Bear Attacks: This past summer, there was a bear sighting in my town. I couldn't shut up about it. It was pretty funny how crazy go nuts everybody was about it. I was just amused. I mean dude, a bear! In RI! That is rare! LOL I rhymed. But seriously. I even did
an MS Paint Interpretation Luigi: Luigi is so much cooler than Mario. Bitches best recognize. Also, I identify with the fellow a lot. Inferiority complex, insecure, awkward, goofy, somewhat cowardly but can step it up when needed, a bit of a dark side, lives in older sibling's shadows. Totally. But seriously Mario is boring. Luigi is interesting. I've been getting all video game happy since I got Nintendo Wii. Smash Brothers Brawl is FTW! Also he totally is badassed in the Adventure mode...sorta kinda. Him, Ness, Kirby, and King Dedede save the other characters. Seriously, fuck Mario. Luigi is where it's at!