OKay one really stupid useless entry before I start the picspam. As you all know, I do the semi-daily Mike Lowell Witty/Snarky/Amusing Line.
Today's line is from the Globe It was pointed out to me by the always fabulous
world and is worthy of a separate entry. And I would so friggin read this shit too! :)
Lowell revealed he has plans to start a blog. "Not for me," he said. "My philosophy is, if Manny is willing to sell a grill for $20,000, I'll tell him just to talk to me, and I'll type a blog for him --Mannysblog.com. And I'll pay him $21,000, he'll think he sold a grill, and I'll negotiate a dollar a hit. I'll be a gazillionaire, and Manny will be happy because he can buy a new barbecue . . . Everyone wants to know what Manny's saying, so all he has to do is give me two legitimate answers and after that I'll make up anything I want, and nobody will know the difference."
Oh Mike Lowell, I love you so.