This is a picspam of some pictures I've gathered between now and the last picspam. They are Red Sox related, of course.
Terry Francona is not amused
Schilling has the worst hair ever. Like...ewwww
shellygirl814 pointed out this one to me. Yes. It is David Wells. As Santa Claus. Yes. It is as awesome as it sounds
Stifler, Mouthbreather, and Manny Del doing the hospital rounds
Papelbon and his wife Ashley. Paps looks stoned as fuck.
His wife is tanorexic but pretty(though those eyelashes...ehhhh)
Lugo, Tito, and Jed Hoyer
Lugo and Tito listen intently
Lugo looks happy to be there
Papi is on hand to welcome Lugo
Lugo gets a hug from his brother Ruddy while his wifey looks on
Matsuzaka says "Konnichi wai"