Newsage and Toronto

Apr 21, 2006 13:10

Hey all, not much really going on here. Just the usual bullcrapola. Just looking through the papers really and seeing what's going down.

Red Sox Radio could be moving to WBOS. This is good news because if this happens, then the monopoly of WEEI is now over. It doesn't concern me too much because 103.7 down here in RI, while it is WEEI, will probably end up having the game. If they could make WBOS a sports talk, man imagine all the ratings going away from EEI and onto BOS....damn skippy. Maybe they could be a little like WFAN and offer some good baseball talk that isn't Dale and Holley.

Also, Wells is possibly looking to retirement. So, um, ya think we could somehow call up Cincy and get Bronson Arroyo back? This is half-snarky/half-serious. You know, I mean, he is a pretty decent fifth starter and if you do need a pinch hitter for somebody, you could always use him :) and I'm sure he'd be itching to come back too. You know...just in case....I mean I love Mouthbreather and all, but....Bronson, man! BRONSON! :) .....what?

And finally, this little snippet was kind cute and kinda makes me wanna hug Willie Harris.

Harris said his call-up was bittersweet because Stern is actually one of his closest friends on the Sox. "Stern's an awesome guy. The first thing I said to him was I'm sorry," said Harris. "You don't want anything like that to happen to a good guy like that."

Awwwww Willie :D

Anyways the Red Sox take on the Jays tonight beginning up their roadtrip. Beckett squares off against his old friend AJ Burnett. This should be an interesting matchup. I'd love to see how it goes. Manny--homers are your friends. You love them and you will hit many of them tonight, okay? And I will get Chinese food tonight just to make extra sure you do. Because last time I did so, you hit many of them. :) So here's to tonight's game and for another win because the Blue Jays are a pain in the ass times a bajillion vs the Red Sox these days. :P WTF Toronto, you Canadian whorebags. I kid I kid, I kinda like the Blue Jays....just not against the Red Sox.

red sox, manny being manny, 2006 season, adam stern, bronson arroyo fangirling, david wells will sit on you, pregame

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