Mar 05, 2011 03:08
- 03:16:38: The Pisces New Moon affects you strongly today. You like to co... More for Pisces
- 03:35:53: Going off to bed. Work in the morning then I have Saturday off! w00t!
- 16:29:52: Tomorrow is my birthday. I have a sinking feeling it's gonna be a suckballs day.
- 17:44:49: @ shelley1005 I hope I don't end up on that list...or I hope I'm not on it.
- 17:50:36: @ shelley1005 aww yay! :) My fellow JD/Scutaro bromance fan! :D
- 17:55:36: @ caramelhanley @shelley1005 They're just way too hilarious and adorable. There needs to be a segment on it on Red Sox Report
- 18:10:16: @ shelley1005 blatant flirting for sure
- 19:19:24: @ shelley1005 I'd pay good money to see that. All of 2010 I was wondering why JD was goofier than usual. Looks like we have our answer.
- 21:20:45: @ justjohnsonya I hope they bring up Jose Iglesias so I can sing "Escape"-Enrique Iglesias everytime I see him bat
- 21:21:01: @ justjohnsonya or field because you can replace love w/ glove
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