Possible Shower Post!

Feb 04, 2012 11:01

[There's the sound of a shower and the sight of a steamy bathroom. Yes, Nautilus. It's time for one of those posts. It's time for an episode of ULTIMATE EXPOSURE.

... Except the person getting clean is out of the view of the camera! In fact, the entire shower is. Perhaps Nautilus is giving the poor unfortunate soul a bit of privacy?


The shower shuts off, and the curtains are pulled back. It's mostly silent for a while, other than the sound of a towel being used in the way towels are used. Eventually the victim pads into view. Have a Latino man in his mid-twenties. He's not all that athletic, but he's got a bit of muscle on him. Hi, Caesar!

... And so much for privacy.

He's wearing a towel around his shoulders and, from the low angle of the camera (not that low--this isn't an R-rated show, folks!), nothing else. He doesn't notice the camera, instead walking up to the mirror. Have a good view above the small of his back. Oh, and the mirror so helpfully reflects this chest, too! It also reflects his inquisitive expression.]

Hmm. I wonder....

[He leans in towards the mirror, hands on the counter, and concentrates. Suddenly, the wet hair plastered to his skull pops up, dried and styled, but in the opposite direction as usual. His eyes go wide in shock and horror.]


[He steps backwards quickly and runs into what sounds like the toilet, rattling the camera loudly. Caesar freezes at the noise, then turns around, and stares in growing horror at the camera as it turns up to focus on his face, although there's a moment that it's still focused on his upper chest. Color is swiftly rising in his cheeks.]

... ... No.

[In a flash of movement, Caesar grabs the camera and his hands obscure the view as he tries to disassemble the camera as quickly as humanly possible.]

Don't you dare, don't you dare, don't you--


((OOC: And thank you to alienroulette for the hair solution!))
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