(no subject)

May 10, 2006 21:23

Another Freakin Quiz.

I have decided that I'm not going to get stressed out anymore this school year. (However difficult this may be)... I will kill everyone I have to in order to make this happen. *LEER*

News: Wow. My mom's cool sometimes. So, I was like "but... I wanna go be with jason and go to akon and meet ANIKI?!" and mom was like "shrug. maybe. we will talk after we go to Grand P., Texas." >__> which basically means "you can go" SCOOOOORE!? scorescorescore?! zomg. I approve of my mommy!... for once


Name: Elisabeth Long
Birthday: July 12, 1989
Age: 16
Single: And Proud.
Want to be?: ^___^ look up?
Height: 5'8" to 5'10" @___@;; somewhere around nthere
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Brown
Left/Right/Ambidextrous?: Right
Living Arrangement: My mom's. My sister and nephew live with me.
Any siblings?: A sister and brother and stepsister and sister-in-law
Are your parents divorced, separated, or together?: divorced
Job?: Nopers.
Piercings: Ears
Tattoos: v___v none
Do you have a webpage?: sorta. I have a lot of forums??


Do you live in the moment?: Nope. I plan. I can't mantain the present.
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: To a point.
Do you have any secrets?: Definately.
Do you like your handwriting?: >__> if by like you mean "hate"
Do you have any bad habits?: umm... like. like. like. what do you like mean??
What is the compliment you get from most people?: >__< being a photoshop fiend, I suppose?
What's your biggest fear?: ending up alone and worthless
Do you sing?: every chance I get that involves me embarrassing myself
Are you passive or aggressive?: It depends who I am talking to...
Are you a daredevil?: I'm a "N - I - N - N - Y" when it comes to my health. >__<;;
Three wells: Wells? Like... Mr. Wells?! (I have no idea what this means?!)
Which do you choose?: (Again. Clueless)
How do you vent?: Crying and Screaming. Normally in a very organized and planned way.
Do you think you're emotionally strong?: Everytime I'm hurt I think I get stronger, but I'm naturally sensitive to those that are closer then close to me.
Do you think life has been good so far?: Yes.
Do you think you're good looking?: I hate myself.
Are you confident?: In certain things...
Are you perceived wrongly?: __<; a lot acctually? or FFVII:AC
Favorite ice cream flavor: Mint Chocolate Chip /or/ the cake one from Maggie Moos?
Favorite genre of music: Alt. Rock && Techno && Actually... anything other then country
Favorite person: (You know who you are!! <3<3 aishiteruyo!)
Favorite time of the day?: twilight... probably...


Smoke?: I have...
Do drugs?: >__> I have...
Read the newspaper?: Definately!! ^___^;; especially the funnies?!
Go to church?: only when forced
Talk to strangers who IM you?: v__v;; yes. sometimes. when I'm feeling random.
Sleep with stuffed animals?: >__> NO! who does that?! *huggles the bagillion of them on her bed*
Take walks in the rain?: every chance I get
Drive?: I have... @___@;;
Like to drive fast?: hellzyeah!? .__. it freaks linda out?!
Like the rain?: I love rain. The harder and darker the happier I am.


Been out of the country?: yes
Been in love?: yes
Gone skinny dipping?: v__v;; yes.
Had surgery?: yes.
Broken a bone?: yes.
Been on stage?: yes.
Drank alcohol?: heh. since I was like born?
Been completely trashed you passed out?: NEVER?! and I never will. xP
Slept outdoors?: yes.
Pulled an all-nighter?: yes. most of them were with Lindsey Condre(a?)y
Talked on the phone all night?: totally. I <3 you john.
Slept with the opposite sex and actually slept?: yes. TJ! ;___; I miss Grande Isle?!
Killed someone?: no... although I've wanted to kill several people.
Kissed the same sex?: heh. *giggle* more then just kiss...
Thought you were going crazy?: all the time.


Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title?: awkwardly enough... yeah. I sorta did.
Do you remember your first love?: yes.
Still love him/her?: yes.
Do you consider love a mistake?: not right now, but I am starting to feel like I should more and more... v__v *le siiigh*
What do you find romantic?: sincerity, a "true" smile, laughter, inside jokes ... @___@;; and other stuff??
Turn-on?: accents, deep voices?, sincerity, and things that you shouldn't know.... >__>;;
Turn-off?: idiots, acting stupid, acting irresponsible when somethings important, doing "gross" things
Do you base your judgment on looks alone: definately not.
If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel? awkward
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going "blind"?: without a doubt, knowing the person
Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out?: >__<; who cares about propriety?
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive?: *nodnod* yeah. I guess so... it doesn't matter to me?
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: hellno. I am just glad they all dont die from seeing me?
What is best about the opposite sex?: I love knobbly fingers? __> if the person I adore was my significant other?... hellzyeah?
What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot guy/girl standing on the sidewalk?: maybe smile. but probably ignore him/her?

and... yeah.
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