A Survey/Quiz/Thing

May 09, 2006 21:44

Completely stolededed from luna-pie.

1.) When you look at yourself in the mirror, what's the first thing you look at?:: My eyes

2.) How much cash do you have on you?:: On my person, none. in my room... like 2 dollars and 24 cents.

3.) What's a word that rhymes with "TEST"?:: Quest?

4.) Favorite plant?:: Lilies, Camellias, Roses, Japanese Maples, pin(_)apples.

5.) Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone?:: My sister

6.) What is your main ring tone on your phone?:: Super Mario Theme

7.) What shirt are you wearing?:: The T-shirt I got from Tyler zoo with a wolf on it.

8.) Do you "label" yourself?:: umm... photoshop fiend? perhaps even "zomg!queenbeepwnage?!"

9.) Name brand of your shoes currently wearing?:: ... >__> shoes ... DOES NOT COMPUTE?

10.) Bright or Dark Room?:: Dark Room. Light is for posers?

11.) What do you think about the person who took this survey before you?? :: She's the coolest thing evah?! I <3 Luna-pie!

12.) Ever "spilled the beans"?:: >___<;; yes. They were of the lima variety

13.) What were you doing at midnight last night?:: sleeping! score!!

14.) What did your last text message you recieved on your cellphone say?:: "I nver get ur msges"

15.) Do you ever click on "Pop Ups" or Banners?:: EL... NO! -- o

16.) What's a saying that you say a lot?:: ><;; I can't think of one but jason says "(something) your face/mom?!" way too much? (Edit: I just thought of something. I say "(something) is inifinately cooler than (something)" in an insulting way?

17.) Who told you they loved you last?:: ... >__> either jason or my mommy.

18.) Last furry thing you touched?:: my pants. x__X

19.) how many hours a week do you work?:: NONE! well.. other then photoshop.

20.) How many rolls of film do you need to get developed?:: infinately many.

21.) Favorite age you have been so far?:: >__<;; this year I guess? 16.

22.) Your worst enemy?:: v__v; answering this would insult some people. thus "_____" is my least favorite person. everyone who knows me knows the answer to this.

23.) what is your current desk top picture?:: sexified Christian Bale that I made last friday.

24.) what was the last thing you said to someone?::and I quote "*goes off to zomg!pwn! the 100 Acre Wood Minigames*"

25.) If you had to choose between a milion bucks or to be able to go back in time to fix all of your mistakes, which would you pick?:: um.. >__<;; (although all of you probably expect this) the money. unless I do something very bad in the future I will probably always believe this. xP the past is meant to be kept in the past. I am me because of the experiences I've had. Without my mistakes I wouldn't be anything like me; and deep down... I like me.
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