I feel like a zombie come back to life

Dec 19, 2010 22:43

♦ Sent out all the Xmas cards. Hope everyone that requested one gets them before Christmas.

♦ Company holiday party was a snooze as usual, but I was lucky and won myself a prize again. $30 Napa Valley wine. Score! :D

♦ Fabio ♥! Actually the end of a really boring season. Half the people were morons and the rest either obnoxious or invisible. I don't really get the Sash hate. Sure he was a bit smarmy, but I didn't really have a problem with it in the context of Survivor. I thought he deserved a vote at least. Don't get the Jane love either. That woman is cray cray and has major issues with classism.

♦ Finally caught up with all things Merlin. Way late to the party, but I watched 3.06 to 3.13 all in one weekend. Am praying for more development towards the magic reveal and more M/A development so we can get a buildup for the reaction Arthur will have to it next season. Also praying that the writers are done proving how epic A/G are and can stop hitting us over the head with it next season. We get it. Moving along now...
- A/G still grates but the actors do what they can and sometimes their scenes are cute. I still don't get where the EPIC LOVE comes from though. Have they ever spoken to each other for more than 10 minutes before they were declaring their love for each other? Does Arthur actually know a thing about Gwen? What bothered me the most was the part where Arthur declared he would give up the throne to elope with Gwen. What kind of fuckery was that? Where did that Arthur even come from? And I know I'm probably alone in thinking that Arthur was acting like a childish prat when he dumped Elena because he has to marry for love. Call me a cynic, but get real. I know it was suppose to be a grand romantic gesture but it just made me think Arthur isn't ready to be king if he's not willing to make sacrifices for the good of his peoples.
- YESSSSSS. Finally an end to the evil!Morgana smirking!!
- I was a little sad for Cendric. Eeeep.
- Leon, Gwaine, Lancelot. Chainmail, red capes, swords. UNF.

♦ Looking forward to next week as I will be working from home until after New Years.

♦ My LJ is still jacked up. GIVE ME MY TAGS AND MEMORIES BACK. Grrrr.

I've been really bad about checking my flist and updating in general, so if I don't make it back here before next week, have a safe and happy holiday season everyone! ♥

work sucks i know, tv, merlin/arthur, rants

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