BOYFRIEND's AnAn Web Magazine Interview August 2018

Aug 12, 2018 11:03

This year is their 7th anniversary since debut! BOYFRIEND finally appears! [K-POP's swamp exploration] #72

Photos: 小笠原真紀 | Video: 千葉 諭 | Article: 尹 秀姫 | 2018.8.11

Seven years has quickly passed since their debut in May 2011. All 6 members of BOYFRIEND now has completely turned from boys into men, their freshness is still going strong! They looked back and talked about their latest single "CALL ME" that was released on July 25, 2018 and also their summer concert!

[Is it okay to be a fan!?] vol. 71

From upper left: Kwangmin, Donghyun, Hyunseong, Youngmin, Minwoo, Jeongmin.

- Congratulations on your released single "CALL ME"! What kind of song is it?

Minwoo   Just like the title, "CALL ME", it's a song that tells you to call us anytime! (laugh). It gives off some feeling like "Whenever we're having a party, please come to play with us!". You can feel BOYFRIEND's freshness through this song.

Donghyun   In the chorus part, there is a choreography where you pose like you're making a phone call, we want all the fans to imitate the pose in that part. Another point choreography is when all of us come out hand in hand. It's a cute choreography that expressed how we're enjoying the party. Because it's such a fun, cheerful, and cute dance, please watch us closely when we dance!

Hyunseong   The recording time was also a lot of fun, I'm satisfied with how it turned out!

Donghyun 1989.02.12 Leader, Vocal

- "CALL ME" expresses "the excitement of meeting a destined person", please tell us what you will do if you meet your destined person!

Kwangmin   My destined person is BOYFRIEND's members! Ever since the first time I met everyone, I remember that I thought "I will work hard and do my best with everyone here".

Jeongmin   I heard that, if we meet our destined person, we will hear something like a ringing bell sound in our ears, but I've never heard it until now (laugh). I wonder if I will hear it someday.

Donghyun   I think Jeongmin will not hear that sound (laugh). Because he likes being alone! I personally believe in fate, if I make a fateful encounter, and even if that person doesn't like me, no matter how many years it will take, I will show that I can turn it around!

Hyunseong   Isn't that a bit scary? (laugh)

Donghyun   Eh, scary!? Well, if it scares them, I will give up.

Minwoo   I, personally, don't really believe in fate. Because I believe fate is something that we make ourselves! But, if I meet a person who could think that "it's also fate that there is such person like me", I think my feeling will be moved at that time.

Youngmin   Fate is such a meaningful word, isn't it? I'm more to the side of people who believe in fate, I think, if I meet my destined person, I'm sure that person will like me as well. If you ask why, because it's fate!

Jeongmin   I see, maybe it's like that!?

Hyunseong   I think every moment of our lives are fate. Now, the moment of being interviewed like this, talking about silly things with the members, performing in front of all the fans, and any other moment, I accept it as fate.

Hyunseong 1993.06.09. Vocal

- Who do you call often?

Kwangmin   For me, I always call my parents if there is any good news. Not long ago, I called them during overseas schedules.

Jeongmin   Me too, I often call my parents. I just called them yesterday!

Donghyun   For me, I don't really like talking on the phone. If someone calls me, I will answer, but a phone call from me is almost impossible. It's best to talk directly face to face, after all! If I do make a phone call, probably I'm in an emergency situation, so I'm surely going to call 110 (laugh).

Minwoo   On the contrary, I think that typing in mail or chat is troublesome, so I like phone call better. I call my friends, family, and members.

Donghyun   Among us, Minwoo makes phone call the most (laugh).

Minwoo   Kwangmin likes phone call too!

Kwangmin   Teehee!

Youngmin   I don't really use phone calls. Other than calling my family, I only use it for deciding time/place to meet my friends, or maybe if I have some other business.

Hyunseong   I call my parents every day! Except when we're doing schedules abroad. Because international calls are expensive (laugh).

Jeongmin 1994.01.02 Vocal

- "BOYFRIEND 2018 SUMMER CONCERT ~CALL ME~" was held in Osaka (7/14) and Tokyo (7/25). It was a concert to introduce your new songs, how was it?

Donghyun   In our previous show, we had a band playing in the background, we also almost didn't dance at all and just kept singing, but this time was the opposite, we did more than 20 dance songs, we tried to create a concert where we actively dancing the whole time. This was very hard! But, all fans were very pleased, right?

Kwangmin   It was very hot, I felt like dying (laugh).

Jeongmin   When it's hot, you don't want to move, right? So, all the fans don't have to move, but, we will move instead! We tried to deliver that kind of feelings. For once, I thought maybe I'll die if I do this, but it was really hard to do it until die, right? (bitter laugh).

Donghyun   In a meeting, all of us 6 decided the concept, we also decided our set list, but it was really tiring when we actually tried it! (laugh). But, we're very satisfied because everyone enjoyed it.

Youngmin 1995.04.24 (Older twin), Vocal

- Before that, you held concerts in Tokyo and Osaka in May. This event seemed like something that you've never done before, right?

Jeongmin   That's right! With the title "Precious time ~BESTFRIEND with BOYFRIEND~", we performed at Billboard Live venue in Tokyo and Osaka! We're deeply moved to be able to perform in such a beautiful venue, and also with this newly released "CALL ME", we could experience many different things, it was really a great opportunity.

Hyunseong   We had never done that kind of concert where we didn't dance at all at the stage, instead, we just showcased our songs. It was a new challenge for us, but we received good motivation from there.

- In May, you charmed us with BOYFRIEND's singing skill, and in July, with your dancing. So, what kind of challenge do you want to try next?

Everyone   Half and half (laugh)!

Kwangmin 1995.04.24. (Younger twin), Rap

- We have passed more than half of the year, how was the first half of the year for BOYFRIEND?

Jeongmin   This year, BOYFRIEND celebrated our seventh anniversary. On our debut day, May 26, we released a new song "Sunshower", we performed it for the first time in our fanmeeting. All of the fans were pleased, there ware also many people who cried during the song.

Kwangmin   Speaking of it, we also cried. Youngmin was crying really hard!

Youngmin   Minwoo weren't crying. Because he's a man!

Minwoo   I was about to shed my tears too, but I held it back. I felt that I've been having fun in these 7 years, so it would be sad if I cry while we were celebrating our seventh anniversary with the fans. I try not to cry while I'm having fun.

Youngmin   (in a hurry) My tears was tears of joy, you know! The memories of these 7 years crossed through my mind, the beautiful memories of the past came to my mind, when I noticed, I shed my tears!

Hyunseong   I was able to look back once again on the 7 years that we spent together in the fanmeeting. It was truly an event that made my heart felt really warm!

- What is the most memorable memory in the past 7 years' activities?

Kwangmin   For me, the most memorable one is the day when we did our very first concert in Korea.

Jeongmin   It's our Japan debut day. I even still dream about the showcase we did in Nippon Budokan until now!

Donghyun   I think all of the memories we had in the past 7 years are precious. Not only the happy and fun memories, but also the difficult memories, the moments when I felt like I want to quit, if I think about all of it now, it became a very happy and grateful memories.

Minwoo   For me, it's when we made a comeback with "STAR" last year. Before that, we had a long period of hiatus and it was also a song created by Jeongmin hyung, it has a strong feeling that all of the members participated in creating the song. "STAR" and "Sunshower" are presents from us to the fans.

Youngmin   It's our seventh anniversary fanmeeting. I think I will definitely not forget about this day no matter how long it will be.

Hyunseong   For me, it's when we debuted with "BOYFRIEND" on May 26, 2011. Because this day is the start of our everything!

Minwoo 1995.07.31 Rap

- Summer this year turns out to be hotter than usual, but what do you want to do in this summer regardless?

Hyunseong   I'd love to go to Kyoto in summer! I heard that there are many old buildings in Kyoto, so I want to feel the atmosphere.

Youngmin   I want to go to Universal Studio Japan! I couldn't go there even though we had some performances in Osaka, so I'd love to go there this time.

Minwoo   I haven't been to the sea this year, so I want to go there. In the past few years, I have no memory of going there, so this year, I want swim in the sea!

Donghyun   I want to do surfing! I learned it for the first time last year, and it was very fun. I heard that the wave in Japan is calmer and easier to surf than in Korea, so I definitely want to try surfing in Japan at least once.

Jeongmin   I'd love to go to the quiet countryside in Japan. For example, I want to go to the lake near Mount Fuji and spend some time alone there.

Kwangmin   I want to go to a Japanese festival. We see summer festival often in Anime, right? Wearing yukata, eating cotton candy, catching goldfish too... It looks really fun!

- Please tell us about your planned activities in the future.

Jeongmin   Just recently we performed in Thailand and Kazakhstan though...

Donghyun   After our Japanese schedule, we plan to visit Malaysia. Even after visiting a hot country, if we come to Japan, Japan is the hottest!

Kwangmin   It's the hottest (in Japanese).

Minwoo   If it's hot, you'd like to eat some ice cream, right.

Jeongmin   But I like hot weather!

Kwangmin & Youngmin   I hate it!

- Lastly, please give a message to the fans.

Kwangmin   On July 25, we released a new song "CALL ME" in Japan! Please listen to it a lot.

Jeongmin   Please give a lot of love to "CALL ME" ♡ and please look forward to our activities in Japan!

Donghyun   Every time we have activities in Japan, we always make good memories and go back home. During hot weather like this year, especially in outdoor events, everyone was waiting while sweating, I think "wasn't it very hard?". But I think that moment will surely be a good memory, this time too, I want everyone to go home with a lot of memories!

Minwoo   Because the hot days still continue, please take care of yourself and please come to have fun with us in BOYFRIEND's events!

Youngmin   Speaking of summer, everyone plays in the water, right, but be careful when you play in a river or a sea, and because it's hot, we use air conditioner a lot, so be careful not to get cooler disease from it. Take care of your health!

Hyunseong   I will always do my best in Japan's activities, please continue supporting BOYFRIEND. I'm looking forward to the day we can meet!

Below is the video of BOYFRIEND doing some Q&As!

image Click to view

This article was translated by @soakypineapple, sharing the link to this post is appreciated, if it's needed to take them out partially or fully, please take out with full credit to my twitter account. Check out the original interview from the link below.

今年でデビュー7周年! BOYFRIENDがついに登場【K-POPの沼探検】#72 - 写真・小笠原真紀 動画・千葉 諭 文・尹 秀姫

2011年5月のデビューから早くも7年が経過。少年だったBOYFRIENDの6人も、今ではすっかりオトナの男に……と思いきや、爽やかさは健在! 7月25日に2018年第2弾シングル「CALL ME」をリリースし、サマーコンサートを終えたばかりの彼らに、早くもこの夏を振り返ってもらいました!


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