May 07, 2005 17:12
let's start with thursday morning, since thats when anything significant to the last several days started...
so thursday i get to school, and i had convinced myself i was going to have fun...nerves, stress, worries, etc. were not going to get the better of me---yea right. i get to school, and coach slack is like do whatever you want. so carolyn and i went and talked to dupler for awhile, and then we went into the locker room and watched Princess Diaries 2. and waited for the guys to get to school so i could give them their they finally got their presents, lol, wayne got the red hat society cards! and i still don't know how nick pulled off getting the marilyn monroe cards about five seconds after he said those were the ones he wanted.....such luck and skill! anyways, i went back to the locker room after that, and lo and behold ms.b was there
well, the first thing she does was snap at me for having too many bags.she told me i could have only one bag, which was fine by me, cause the yellow bag was sittin up front with me, anyways. but i asked her what she wanted me to do with my bookbag, since well i needed to ahve it with me for school. she said i could leave it at school, and i reminded her i wasn't coming back with her. she said you can't take it with a very snappy tone. well, that hurt, cause i really didn't know what i was supposed to do with it. then i asked her when we were supposed to get out of class, cause i didnt know when we were supposed to...she snapped again "i'll call you out"-ugh---basically if you didn't read all of that she snapped at me, a lot. it was not fun
so i went to secondblock almost in tears. the same for third block.
third block i kinda sat there staring out the window. i was extremely anxious-i wanted to make sure i made it to the locker room on time, so i didn't get snapped at again...i really don't like getting snapped i saw some juniors roaming the halls and headed out of there-lisa took my bookbag for me, so i didn't have to worry about it---thankyou lisa!!!
so then i went to the locker room, handed out the rest of the cards, got my twenty bucks for food, went to the bathroom quickly (cause ms.b said "there's everyone, let's go!!" in a snapping tone)...tara knew i was upset and i told her why, then we sat in the car for like twenty minutes before we went anywhere.
lets just say the first half of my day was terrible--a mixture of nerves, anxiety, and confusion
but then we started to have fun--we were seated as such---middle two seats jillian and meghan, back row--me, tara, and kelly. that definitely wasn't going to work. but more on that later. tara and i talked for awhile, about pretty much everything. then we got to wildwood, and stopped for food and a bathroom break. yes, we were only forty minutes into the ride and we stopped for a bathroom break--thats how small some peoples (no names mentioned *cough*jillian and tara*cough*) bladders are.
so we go inside, but tara, kelly, and i are the last ones out. and we had been complaining about how the tallest people (tara and kelly) on the team got the smallest seats. so i (yes, i) had the bright idea of stealing meghans and jillians seats. so we quick put all their stuff in the back, and went inside. tara got in line for food...the rest of us went to the bathroom....when jillian and meghan came out of the bathroom, tara goes "hey guys, ms. b said we all had to go out together"---and they believed her omg how dumb can you be!!!!!!ok, not dumb-but gullible! anyways, i come out of the bathroom and tara relays to me what she told them...and i relay it to kelly, so kelly and i are standing right by the exit and as soon as tara gets her food they rush out to the car...thereby successfully stealing meghan's and jillian's was extremely funny (and plotful(i sound like an evil genius) by us)--and if you don't think so, i guess you had to be there.
so the next portion of the ride down was pretty uneventful, if i remember correctly. i think most of us just slept. o and the reporter called---hahaha tara! it was that lady from the st.pete times, the one who looks like she knows nothing about sports.....her dumb questions today were: to me "and why did you guys have a bad race, was it abad start, a bad handoff"-in reference to our 10:12 regional time (which when she asked what our district time was she said "o that is much slower"---six seconds in a 4x8 is not MUCH slower--its slower, but not MUCH) my reply "umm....i guess it was just nerves" but seriously, a bad start is not horrible in a 4x8, it wouldn't be six seconds--a bad hand-off would not be six seconds........the other favorite dumb question was to tara, i wish i could remember what it was right now, but i can't-if i remember what it was i'll put it in here.....then i think we slept..then we had our second pit stop of the day
lol---tara and kelly and meghan and jillian rushed to the bathrooms, so they could fight over the seats---i took my time. tara and kelly were in such a rush that they didn't wash their hands...jillian meghan and i though had fun with the paper towel machines--you know you're from citrus county when you've only seen automatic paper towel machines twice in your entire was so much fun that jillian and i washed our hands twice!!! we are so then we get out to the car and kelly and tara are guarding the doors....after several "scuffles" meghan and jillian went somewhere-i really don't remember where-and i told kelly to go to the other side, and save her seat from that side, while i guarded this that's what she did, and meghan and jillian once again had to sit in the back row. i must point out during this whole episode, we had strangers staring at us---i'm sure they were thinking we are never going to citrus county (cause of course, citrus county is displayed all over the van)
more to come later, meaning in another update, cause its dinner time!