Even though my brother's the one in journalism school, I must say that I'm also thrilled when I get the scoop on something first. This is especially true when I know about things in LA before people in LA catch on to them. So please allow me to gloat about
this post to the LAist blog.
Punky, coming from a land where strip malls are not sped past at 50 mph, has always been somewhat fascinated with the frankness of SoCal signage. Instead of, for instance, having a sign for "Hepforth and Sons, Dentistry" as they might in Baton Rouge, here we just loudly proclaim "DENTIST" on our signs for dentist offices. As far as signs are concerend, history need not apply - SoCal is the realm of the always-already-present-tense. So anyway, one day a few months ago we both cracked up when we saw what is simultanteously both the most frank and inscrutable of all signs. Anyone want to guess what is actually behind these doors?