A Day In The Life

Jun 12, 2009 21:26

Either I have the Mexican You-Know-What, or I just am totally worn out by my first year at college, presently represented by five nasty exams. Add a (failed) driving exam to my account, and finally count making music and playing korfball up to that, and you get quite a busy year. Don't get me wrong here; I do enjoy all of this: I actually like being at the TU, great people, I like our projects and, well, only the colleges obviously are no fun at all. The question is, can I keep this up? If yes: for how long?

Traveling to and fro Eindhoven takes approximately 2.5 hours a day. On the other hand: if I'll choose to live in Eindhoven full-time, I have to give up either the team or the band. An awful choice indeed. Which I'm not ready to take yet - if it wasn't for my OV, the NS would love me for being such a frequent visitor on their yellow bolide.

Time for the happy part. A week ago, I went to Gavin DeGraw at Paradiso! This was the third time me seeing him live, but this one absolutely was the better of the three. Love his new album, by the way. In less then two weeks... hello holiday!

Gavin DeGraw performing live

P.S. I think I actually passed the forst two: Linear Algebra and Structure and Function Of Cells And Tissues. Two down, three to go.

university, choices, gavin degraw

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