Title: Afterlife
Pairing: Matt/Jimmy
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, and as far as I know, none of this really happened.
A translucent haze. Endless dreaming.
Dreams. Memories. Aren’t they the same now?
Feels like it.
But they’re only memories...
Memories we can never make again.
Memories that feel so
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I'm actually really glad you picked up on the fact that it might have been Jimmy's realm. I tried to throw in little hints here and there, but wasn't sure if I was successful. xD
What exactly do you mean by 'skip around on the details'? Just want to clarify so I know the things I did right so I can do them again. ^^
This whole comment just makes me really happy though... especially how you say this is a fanfic in name only. My dream is to become a famous novelist someday, so it's really good to know that I can write storylines that aren't shit. xD I just have a hard time creating my own characters and actually liking them. So...I write fanfiction. Lmao.
I'm not sure that if I write an epilogue I'll even include the explanation part at all. I had a different idea that would be really short but really cute and just tie the story up nicely. Do you think it'd be a good idea to include the explanation? I think I could manage both, but I'm not sure how it would benefit the story. I guess I would just have to write it and see. >_<
So anyway, sorry that was kinda long! I hope I don't sound rant-y. Just thank you very much for this comment, I really really do appreciate it. :DD <3
Some people don't describe characters or scenes very well, and I like how you described things for the reader. We weren't left to wonder what things looked like or if a character was angry, etc., you just described it perfectly and gave us a chance to envision things.
I actually turned a fanfic series original (it's not as easy as it sounds) and am preparing to start submitting it to agents, so it can be done. I used fanfic as a catapult for my own characters and it really, really helped. Take a jog around agentqueryconnect.com to see what's happening in the writing world. There are a lot of helpful fora on there as well.
I'd say if the epilogue ties it all together perfectly, no one has to explain anything =). Though amusing to see the others reactions, sometimes, less is more (as I'm learning at ACQ). I'd say write it out and whichever version ties it all up neatly is the one to go with!
I would love to do that with this story, but...they're both guys. And that's just not mainstream enough to be published (easily, anyway). xD I feel terrible for saying that, but it's true. I'm also not too fond of the very beginning, but I haven't thought of a better way to start it.
Thank you very much! I'll definitely check the site out and see what I can find to help me. :] I know about the whole 'less is more' thing, which is why I'm reluctant to write the explanation, but writing it out and seeing which version is better sounds like a good idea to me, so I'll probably do that. ^^
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