The leather bodice is nearly finished, just a few more buttons to attach (and decide whether I want some kind of silver braid on it, but that's a secondary if-I-have-time issue), the skirt is about half done, and the fabric for the shirt is drying as I write. Found rather a nice, pale grey cotton for practically no money at all, lucky me, and also this pin:
Vintage, pewter, probably a souvenir, perfect for this outfit. I also picked up a vintage bottle of Youth Dew - scary stuff, today I think it makes even more of a statement than other strong personalities in my fragrance arsenal, like Bulgari Black, Messe de Minuit and Angel, but I think (I hope) that I have the stones to pull it off - it can be my dirty old woman perfume, like Angel was my dirty young woman perfume! - and these:
About 3 cm across. On a collar, perhaps? I suspect silver plate, seeing the way they are worn, but I'm not sure with that white oxidation, or whatever it is. Probably just pot metal, I will see what happens when I polish them up a little.