[30 Day Random Words Challenge] Day 3: Service

Sep 28, 2014 00:39

Title: Regret
Prompt: Service
Pairing: Sakumoto (past) / Junba (girl!Jun)
Genre: drama, angst
Rating: PG-13
Summary: It was Junko’s wedding day…


“You’re beautiful, Aiba-san,” the make-up artist smiled proudly looking at his client, Matsumoto Junko-soon Aiba Junko-, in her white wedding dress and completed make-up. Her perfect hair was beautifully pulled upward in a small bun, with a small glittery tiara around it. Her beautiful eyes were shining… In happiness, in nervousness, in anxiety. “I feel like crying as well, Aiba-san…”

“Then cry,” Junko said coldly. “No one but us here, Sakurai-san. Even Masaki has been kind enough to let you become my make-up artist, when he actually shouldn’t. Stop beating around the bush. Stop this artist-client formality and say what you want to say.”


“Be quick. Don’t ruin the mood. I don’t have much time.”


“Thank you very much.”

“I still can’t let you go… to be honest. I can’t believe it came to this day… The day I feared the most… Your wedding. Junko…” the artist’s voice trembled. “I love you, I still do. And seeing you in such a beautiful dress… It pierces my heart. It should be me in Masaki’s place right now. But I was a fool to cheat on you… I--”

The artist froze when he realized Junko was holding his hands. “Sakurai-san, you have a family to take care of now. She is pregnant with your seed, and it’s almost time for delivery. Yes, I’m still jealous and mad and… If you choose to regret what you’ve done to her and mourn on my wedding, that means you hurt me. Again. So please. Forget me.”

The artist stared at those brown eyes. They were shining beautifully with determination. There was forgiveness, but they were strict. His gate had been closed. He didn’t have any rights to knock on that gate again.

“One last time… Please stand still. Don’t move, Junko. I promise it won’t be long.”

The artist held Junko’s shoulders firmly and gave a soft kiss on both of her cheeks. “Please be happy.”

“I will. Masaki will make me happy,” Junko smiled.


At the door was Masaki, standing with mouth hanging open in amazement, eyes fixated only to his Junko. “You’re beautiful…”

Junko smiled shyly and Masaki couldn’t help but rushed to her side to pull her into a tight embrace, suffocating her and at the same time making her giggle. Masaki released his embrace and stared at her for quite a long time before he crashed his lips to her glossy, fresh pink lips. He kissed them affectionately at first, but soon demanding her to part her lips with light bites on her lower lip. Junko circled her hands around Masaki’s neck and tilted her head, parting her mouth slightly to grant permission for Masaki. They moaned lightly as the kiss got deeper.

Sakurai could only hold back his tears and endured the piercing pain on his chest upon seeing them kissing like that in front of him. He looked away but their voices still reached him, making him hope it was him who got to kiss Junko like that. Better, greedier…

“Now if you’ll excuse me!” he bowed and said in a loud voice in an attempt to cover his jealousy.

“Ah, wait, Sakurai-san!!” Masaki broke the kiss in an instant upon hearing him excused himself, “I think we still need you… Nee, Jun-chan?” Masaki said, breathless.

“Is something the matter, Aiba-san?” he tried to keep his professionalism and forced a smile.

“You see…” Masaki giggled, “You did a good job. Junko looked so beautiful I couldn’t control myself… So… I think you’ll need to fix her lipstick… and my lips, because the lipstick was kinda… sticky.”

Sho bowed. “I’ll fix them, Aiba-san, don’t worry.”

It took ten minute for him to fix the make-ups, but it felt like forever. The image of their previous kiss, the image of them making love, the image of Junko’s happy face when she found out about her pregnancy, the image of a happy family…

It should have been him as the groom.

He bit his lower lip as he put the make-up tools back on his bag and gave them a last bow before leaving. “Please don’t kiss her again, Aiba-san. Be patient. You’ll have her-” he tried to joke but he knew he failed. His voice was trembling. “Well then.”

He didn’t wait for any answer and stepped quickly outside the room, not realizing Masaki’s cynical glance and victorious smile for him, with possessive arm around Junko’s waist. He ran towards the parking lot and entered his car, couldn’t help but broke down. Tears streamed down his cheeks. He bit his lower lip hard it started to bleed.

“Please be happy… Junko. Please be happy…” he murmured repeatedly while driving all the way to his home.


(Part of 30 Days Random Words Challenge. Rules can be read HERE)

author: mabopiman, pairing: sakumoto (girl!jun), genre: angst, genre: drama, length: drabble/ficlet, pairing: junba (girl!jun), rating: pg-13

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