Comic-Con Full Report

Jul 30, 2007 16:48

The most important project he mentioned, IMO, is Ripper - I think the name says it all. He says it's in advanced negotiations, everyone are on board, including Anthony Stuart Head. They're talking about 90 minutes piece for the BBC. Isn't it just awesome???
Following the audience's question, he also reported that there will not be an Angel movie (the actors moved on); that Oz will come back (I suspect it's in the season 8 comic, but he didn't say it); There's some talk about an Angel Comic, something about what happens after the battle of Wolfman & Hart

He talked about a storyline on season 7 that didn't happen for all kinds of reasons, in which Tara was supposed to be back. It sounded so amazing when he (reluctantly) described it. He also said that when that didn't happen, he decided to introduce the Willow moving on with Kennedy storyline. The result of that short story was: "So that's how being booed feels..." Poor Joss, being booed once in his entire career...

He also said that writing a musical is something he'll sure get to one day (it's kinda his dream) - but not right now, 'cause it's so so hard. I'm looking forward for that day.
In general, he seemed very tired from all those projects, and it looks like he's really missing the "calm" days of having just one hugh project to worry about.

Finally, here are a couple of videos from that Q&A - My questions to Joss and his response to being asked to do the Numfar's Dance of Shame

After the Joss event, we continued to hang a bit, and said hello to Claudia Christian, that was giving autographs. She told me that the B5 book she was working on during her visit to Israel will not be published, because JMS "is a jerk" (she was feeling very bad and felt she is allowed to speak her mind...) and wouldn't allow its publication. If interested - she will email it to anyone who requests it through her web site, she really wants to hear people's comments.
angeleyes1701    - She remembers you and sends her regards. I also got you a little goody from her...

Unfortunately we missed the Masquerade, but the only way to get in as a non-participant would have been to spend about 6 hours waiting in line, so.. .we skipped the pleasure.
So, before concluding the day we joined Oded and some friends of his at the Marriot's bar, but we were too tired to join them to the launching party of Pathology, but I heard it was great.

started with finding the best parking space ever, which is a great start. The Super(Natural) Women panel was nice (very feminist, duh...), and then came The 4400 panel. If anyone is not watching it yet - start right now. I love it. It's totally genius. On my all-time favorite TV shows imaginary list, it's competing quite closely with my number one show, ST:TNG.
My main conclusion is that I truly admire Ira Steven Behr. He is an amazing talented person. But we've known that, right? Except for Behr, who was the true star of the panel, It was quite interesting,
  • Richard Tyler's character is coming back.
  • Dr. Burkoff will be working on a way to improve the odds of not dying when taking the Promicin shot. They showed us a scene in which he
  • They showed us a very disturbing dialog between Jordan Collier and Kyle (?), in which Collier pretty much states that he doesn't care about killing half of the human population in order to achieve this heaven on earth of his. Very disturbing revelation about his character. He is crazier then we thought.
  • By the end of the season, people won't have the option of taking/not taking the shot... creepy - isn't it?
I've also had a question on that panel, and here's the video (courtesy of the capatin).

Afterwards we finally had some time to stroll around in the exhibitioner’s hall (Fun!), and wrapped up the con at the Startship Smackdown panel, which is the funniest thing ever. We totally have to import it to Icon. Before the long drive back to LA we had a nice dinner with Oded in a ridiculously expensive restaurant in downtown SD, and... That's it! The weekend was over...

BTW - Have I said yet that Comic-Con is absolutely GREAT???
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