Aaah it's been a while since I made icons coz I've been quite busy with school and stuff :L um so here's the first batch for the year 2009! I had to make Aoi icons since he is one sexy motherfucker in the latest Arena Special issue *____* oh and lol he's so gangsta so now I made him an actor in his own Godfather movie xDD
Soo productive (sort of) I wish I was like this in school. :/ TAHA. Went home early and had nothing better to do. And I was on a Photoshop kick ;D It's only a few. I'm just bored. But anyways. New icons!
I was bored last night and rummaged with my dvds. I watched my Family Values Tour dvd again. Toshiya was so adorkable there with his teefs and weird faces while Kyo and Kaoru looked bored >.< so I decided to make him my subject of boredom >:DD
bored+lazy to study for exams+photoshop+bored= ICONS! :D it's 10 icons only, because I'm also working on a challenge (゜◇゜)! and i should be studying after this (TへT), so here ya go!
woot~! some of these were already overdue XD i just added new ones ^^b coz who can't pass by the new look of the gazeboys? and takeru is too adorable 8D
[14] the GazettE [16] SID [5] alice nine. [5] Takeru (SuG)