Wisconsin Beer

Oct 31, 2007 20:12

NOTE: Added review for Fatty Boombalatty and Fallen Apple.

Alrighty, so a friend from Wisconsin came back to Michigan for a wedding. The only thing I requested from her was LOTS of beer. She did not let me down. I now have 11 different six packs in my fridge. Would you like to see the proof? Of course you do!

Here we see staples that any person needs to live on: fruit (in one modified form or another), condiments (just ain't a meal without condiments), and weight loss/weight gain drinks (which I will make a post about soon enough).

Bottom left we have the meat bin. Salami, ham, and sausage will be placed here. Next to it we have the healthy stuff: yogurt, bag o' apples, and bag o' salad. Nevermind mixing dairy with fruits with veggies; it's all healthy so it's all in a bin. Up top we have the cheese bin containing a block of mozzarella, shredded mozzarella, sliced provolone, and some genuine fresh Wisconsin cheese curds. Much like the alcohol I try to keep in-house, different forms and flavors of cheese should always be on hand. And then the beer. Beer, beer, beer, beer.

List of beers procured:

  • Capital Brewery Autumnal Fire
  • Furthermore Three Feet Deep

  • Furthermore Fatty Boombalatty
    Color: Pours a very blonde color but when it settles, a slightly cloudy copper color.
    Initial Taste: Very smooth beer, an intial bit of spice to it but substantially less than most Belgian style ales.
    After Taste: Doesn't leave too much of a trace it was ever there.
    Tastes Like: Hoegaarden
    Overall: For those of you who want to try Belgian style ales for the first time, this is a great beer to start with. It doesn't overpower you with it's spice and a quickly diminishing after taste will make it an easy beer to down.
  • Furthermore Proper
  • Furthermore Fallen Apple
    Color: Pretty much looks like a Budweiser, very blonde, very translucent.
    Initial Taste: Has a quick bite to it, similar to a Granny Smith apple.
    After Taste: Very bitter, and similar to a real apple, leaves the mouth watering yet longing for a glass of water.
    Tastes Like: Nothing I've ever had before. Not quite as smooth as a Woodchuck or K's and definitely more beer-like in it's flavor.
    Overall: Unique taste is it's only upside. Fans of Woodchuck and K's will want to give this one a try but just too bitter for me.
  • Furthermore Knot Stock
  • Lakefront Brewery Pumpkin Lager
  • Lakefront Brewery Fuel Cafe
  • Lakefront Riverwest Stein Beer
  • Lakefront Cattail Ale
  • New Glarus Fat Squirrel Ale
    Color: Darker copper color.
    Initial Taste: Mmmm, very tasty. Slightly nutty and smokey flavored, a very smooth beer.
    After Taste: Nutty and just a smidge of chocolate/java.
    Tastes Like: Not as outrageous as a Newcastle Brown Ale but not technically Murphys or Guiness. A very wonderful in-between. A subdued Three Feet Deep.
    Overall: Best of the three I've had so far. With this and their Spotted Cow brew, New Glarus is very close to overtaking Bells as my favorite brewery.
I'll be posting little reviews of these beers as I have them.
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