Title: Happy Birthday, Ron! Author: pili204 Pairing: Ron/Hermione Rating: PG Word Count: 627 Date Published: March 12, 2010 Author's Note: Written as a birthday gift for my friend honourweasley12
Thank you, Pili!!! This was amazing, so many different emotions perfectly captured in this. From the adorableness of the kids, to the melancholy and gratefulness Ron feels upon his reflection, to Hermione's support, and finally, to the fun and loving family, you truly captured a beautiful moment.
Thanks again, you have no idea what this truly means to me!!
It had a bit of all the elements I like in a story-laughter, angst, love and a happy ending. *sighs* I love daddy Ron as much as I adore your writing! You're brilliant as always. (>:
This made me hurt and then it made me smile. I liked Ron's melancholy: he's a hidden thoughtful one. Hugo and his Ron-ness made me smile. I also liked Hermione and her steadiness and growth in this, it's very in line with the wonderful girl we see in canon.
Comments 10
Thanks again, you have no idea what this truly means to me!!
Ron thanking Fred made me want to weep... and how they all just ate what could be saved from the cake made me smile widely!!
Ron's realisation of what Fred sacrificed was truly beautiful.
I'm so glad you enjoyed this!
Great, great job!!:)
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