Oneshot- Listen.

Apr 05, 2009 15:10

Title: Listen
Author: Pikira
Genre:  Fluff
Pairing: Ryopi
Summary: Yamapi hadn’t realized how much time had passed since he and Ryo had fallen in love, moved in together or the time that had passed since the first time they had slept together.  And in all that time, Ryo had never once told him “I love you.”
This is part for Yamapi's birthday :3 Forgive me if it's corny in anyway, I've been out of practice when it comes to fluff :3 I hope you enjoy

Yamapi woke up to the smell of something vaguely like breakfast in the morning. With Ryo, he was never sure; delicious bits of bacon or a mass of white slop that looked vaguely like porridge.

He is 24 years, 7 hours and 38 minutes old at this very moment and he was sharing it with his lover of 6 years, 7 hours and 34 minutes.

He hadn’t realized how much time had passed since they had fallen in love, moved in together or even since the first time they had slept together.  And in these 6 years, 7 hours and 32 minutes, Ryo had never once told him “I love you.”

Ryo did not tell him on the day his mother had gotten admitted into the hospital oh so many years ago; Ryo had held his hand tightly as he shook, waiting nervously in the waiting room. It was a one o clock in the afternoon, it was a work day and Ryo had his photo shoot with Kanjani 8. But Ryo was there, holding his hand and waiting with him. And Ryo did not tell him “I love you”.

Ryo did not tell him that night when Yamapi had rushed home from his filming to find the older boy flushed dangerously with fever in their living room with no energy to pull himself into bed and no energy to change out of his sweat-soaked pajamas; Ryo just held his hand tightly as Yamapi lifted him carefully into bed and sat by him that night, soaking towels into cool water and placing them onto the older boy’s forehead. It was one o clock at night, it had been a work day and Yamapi had not had lunch. But Ryo did not let go of his hand as he slept. And Ryo did not tell him “I love you.”

Ryo did not tell him as he threatened to leave that day after their first big fight; Ryo just held tightly onto his arm, saying nothing but speaking loudly with his eyes. It was 8 o clock in the evening, Yamapi felt frustrated and angry and Ryo had begun to cry. But Ryo held onto his hand as Yamapi clinged back, bringing the older boy into his arms. And Ryo did not tell him “I love you.”

Ryo did not tell him as they walked in that quiet, empty park early some morning, long before anyone else had the sense to come to it. It was 3 o clock in the morning as they lay down on the grass, smiling for no reason in particular. They locked hands and exchanged kisses as they watched the air around them brighten, before returning home as they spotted the first couples trailing into the park to watch the sunrise. And as they tumbled back into bed together that morning, Ryo did not tell him “I love you.”

“Happy birthday, Pi.” Yamapi blinked, shook from his thoughts as he sees Ryo pouting at him from his bedroom door. “Now, wake up and shower you lazy bum, we’re going out.”

Yamapi smiled as he walked up to the older boy, planting a soft kiss on his forehead before gently easing the younger boy’s hands into his, placing them onto his chest.

I love you. He squeezed those hands tightly.

I love you too. He felt a squeeze in reply.

From the beginning, since 6 years, 7 hours and 34 minutes ago, Yamapi could not remember the countless times Ryo had told him “I love you.” But he assured himself as the older boy left him to return to their kitchen, that he could always hear it again and again and again, if only he just listened hard enough.

p: ryopi

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