Chapter two- Stories

Mar 30, 2009 21:42

Title: Chapter two-Stories
Author: Pikira
Genre:  Fluffish Angst
Pairing: Ryopi, Tegopi
Summary: In every story, somethings are lost and other things are found as every character moves to a seperate ending. Yamapi being a Baka two timer here ._. Sorry chapter two took such a long time :) My head was rather blocked :3 Hope you enjoy anyway~

Chapter 1

The start of the story and the end of a journey. )

p: ryopi, p:tegopi

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bennyaan April 3 2009, 12:47:23 UTC
i'm biased but i can't support ryopi XD *gomen*
it seems like people love to write ryotegopi,ne??
wheter its fighting for tego or fighting for pi^^


pikira April 3 2009, 13:13:41 UTC
Sou sou XD so should someone write about Tego and Pi fighting for Ryo Chan? XD
I'm not sure if it's going to become Tegopi or Ryopi, most people seem to prefer Ryopi lol XD
I'll see who my muse decides to <3 XD


bennyaan April 4 2009, 03:39:58 UTC
and it's more often if you see Ryo wins the competition with Pi (for Tegoshi)
and Ryo wins the competition with Tego (for Pi)
this morning,I wondered why *because I'm biased with Tegopi XD* Ryo,not always but usually win..
then i came into 1 conclution :
because nor Pi or Tego fight for Ryo
Then I giggled like an idiot XDDD


pikira April 4 2009, 14:00:56 UTC
Heh heh, the three of them should just be a threesome D:

But but, T____T noone wants ryo then :(


bennyaan April 4 2009, 15:05:24 UTC
no,no..there are soo many girls wanting Ryo everywhere *out of topic*
there is K8 for ryo right??don't be sad :D


pikira April 4 2009, 15:10:40 UTC
Haha :3
Ryo Chan is cute but I <3 Pi most ~

Heh heh, NEWS> K8 for me XD~
Gomen, demo I think NEWS is ichiban XD


bennyaan April 4 2009, 16:18:41 UTC
News rocckkkssssss
and i love tegoshi sooo much.
he's my number 1 in the whole JE
and my favorite male star..
wait,i'm waay out of topic XDD


pikira April 4 2009, 17:22:53 UTC
NEWS is a topic >3333
Heh, Pi was the first JE boy I knew and he's still my Ichiban ne? :3
XDD Tegoshi is cute too ne? <3

NEWS is love indeed~


bennyaan April 5 2009, 13:01:11 UTC
huaa!! *clapping my hand for your faithfulness*
the first JE boy i knew maybe was Takky..
but at that time i was in the elementary school..
i didn't know about JE at all XDD
the 1st JE byband i knew is NEWS..
and i still didn't know about JE,
but I instantly fall in love with tego.
yeah,NEWS is loveeee


pikira April 5 2009, 14:00:42 UTC
Omg Elementary school -laughs-
I was only into Anime and Jap culture 5 years ago xD~

Tegoshi was really cute XD


bennyaan April 5 2009, 14:05:20 UTC
I'm only 13 though..^^
but most of the people seem to think that I'm older 8D
yes,he is!!


pikira April 5 2009, 14:15:46 UTC
Omg, I thought you were older than me XD~
I'm turning 18 this year~ Yay for legalness~


bennyaan April 5 2009, 14:29:44 UTC
hahahahaha XDDD
I sounds old,i speak more matured than my actual age
and i look like 15/16..
18 is the legal age in you country??
in mine,it's 17 ^^


pikira April 5 2009, 14:37:42 UTC
Ehhh, that's cool :3 Where do you stay? XD
I look old too :( maybe because I'm really tall or something or I kinda dress maturely D:~

Demo, you don't sound really old, I would have guessed you were like 18 lol XD


pikira April 5 2009, 14:39:11 UTC
Btw, I added you >___< I hope you don't mind :p


bennyaan April 5 2009, 15:55:43 UTC
of course i don't minddddd!!!
new friend is loooveeeeeeee XD
added you back ^^


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