i like spreading the love

Jan 23, 2013 20:33

rec post, rec post.
i like to link nice, pretty, beautiful things to people. so i thought i should just collate all these nice, pretty, beautiful things into a post, and simply spread the love ♥

last update: 29/09/11

dong bang shin ki


00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 end l synce18

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 l ko_bands

one, two, three, shot(s): nietzsche is dead l unlearned
sunny otaku l quirke
full circle 02 03 l deathbyaccident
all i've got 02 l mearii87
never let it pass by l siriusmoonpup
meet you there (at the end of the world) 02 l orionsroad
the buddy system l rain_streaked
smile again l hydrochloric_me
lessons in service and love l interspersed
why did i fall in love with you l chun_ji
sounds like love l loveclouds
sound off l preorder
that kind of story l mousapelli
jigsaw l fightfair
ashes and apples l quirke
grace fallen 02 03 04 l orionsroad
gallant horses l satinsleeves
heart l paintpaperwings
x years from now l fictionalkitty
dollhouse l krisooh
a year ago in winter l moonkissedx
over the moon l guu_dammit
we got this far l dystopialights
post-it love l baby_skies
blind me, baby l mearii87

always the right forecast l loveclouds
lovebirds l cimmerian_shade
one in the world l mikantastic
let go l loveclouds
the magic's in me 02 03 l cimmerian_shade
one in a million l chun_ji
comatose l clothed
of cheek gnawing and leg-pasting l mormorando

and the ones that follow l dewberrie
aberration l yassan
breaking the waves l vitiates
skies that fall down l dewberrie
there is only you l thereforeiammad
the process of love l minorheartbeat
he knows i'd love to seem him l woyaoni
undone l _tabris
error l mrsedjack
to get back to where you are l viewscape
a (likely) series of events l dahchi
factsheet l unlearned
boulevard of broken dreams l chun_ji

lie in the sound l holdmetightx
10000 l chuchama
for every life you've lived 02 03 l baby_skies

this is the story of a boy l douushite

habitual l nocturnes
these wings of ours l nocturnes
flying low l unlearned
ain't never caught a rabbit l unlearned
of bookstores and word vomit l maskyouwear
where skies meet end on end l paint_onsilence
nowhere to run l jejungim
a letter l kissshita
i feel (i can make your heart go faster) l kiiteruno
rooftops with you (this is home) l mrsedjack
to sir, with love l summarise
bros before hos l chagrinning
between dawn l oh_whereupon

i had faith only in forever l retried
homecoming l quirke
21st century graveyard 02 03 l unlearned
nobody needs to know (except the ones that matter) l nobetterpicture

i died in a car crash l lunacrescent
that time when jiji kept licking his balls and jaejoong went ballistic l scarletpeonies


bang three times on the ceiling (if you want me) l lunayeppeo

in search of nowhereland l chagrinning


everything is about you l boohoho

pursuit of happiness l un_gracious



a kind of hush l cyril wong
bridges l cyril wong
friends l cyril wong
here l cyril wong
arrival l cyril wong
the arsonist stood up and said l jeffrey mcdaniel
the quiet world l jeffrey mcdaniel
mayakovsky l frank o' hara
photo of you disappearing l elizabeth spires
the surface of water l jason schneiderman
the space between l elena georgiou
the taxi l amy lowell
humanity i love you e.e cummings

under construction;

- want to rec? leave a comment below with the link of a fic + the author
- broken link? leave a comment below with the error made
- enjoy? :)

pimping the hell out of this, wasting time, love makes me happy

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