Title: Grace Fallen
Rating: R-ish overall.
Form: Triple Shot
Genre: Drama, AU
Summary: Jaejoong tries to figure out just what his position will be now that his master, Yunho, has a new bed slave; while Yunho has his own problems to cope with.
This is the fic that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend. Orionsroad started writing it, not knowing what it was, and she’ll continue writing it forever just because… this is the fic that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend -
… no, really. Damnit, I think I have a problem with brevity. ^^; The last part is so long LJ won’t let me post it (it’s the same length as the first two parts put together!), so I’m going to post half of it now, brush up a few minor things in the second half and post that tomorrow. Promise. And it won’t like, stretch to yet another part either, cuz it’s actually been finished this time, rather then me still writing.
BUT ANYWAY. It is the time for Min to shine, because just as he’s popped up in Other Side, he’s also popped up here. Finally. *squishes lovable snarky Min*.
Part 1 Part 2 +~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~
The house was always uncommonly quiet during the day. One would think that with the master away, the mice would play… however the ‘mice’ of Jung Yunho’s house were never that inclined to play, and with half of them now removed from the household on involuntary leave, there were too few mice to play much at all.
Jaejoong had spent a lazy morning, leaving bed late and pottering about his room for some time before venturing out into the apartment. He took care of the cleaning that had to be done, checking the ‘bots had made a thorough job of dusting and sweeping the floor, and that the kitchen was spotless. He then went to tidy Yunho’s study - there were no ‘bots in there, for security reasons, and Yunho had never been an orderly man when it came to his areas of work.
Through the afternoon, he’d sat down at the piano, smiling at the beautiful instrument Yunho had bought for him and letting his fingers play over the keys. He’d practiced a few fairly simple songs, and then had a crack at one of the more difficult sonatas that he’d been working on. It was frustrating, trying to perfect the complex pieces and ironing out all the fumbling slips he made. Yet, it was also vastly satisfying when he was able to run through a section with no mistakes what so ever. Kangin had come and watched for a bit, and he’d returned to the easier pieces that he could actually play, pleased when the older man complimented him and deigned to sing a small duet with him.
The pair of then had only parted when the butler reminded him of the time, and that dinner would sadly not make itself. Kangin had left to organize something or other, and Jaejoong had gone to the kitchens to cook for the staff, and ready the ingredients for when they were signaled for Yunho’s arrival. The staff’s food was prepared fairly quickly, and Jaejoong set out the meal for Kangin and Donghae, putting away a portion for Kibum for when he came back. He then loaded up a tray and went to visit Changmin.
Changmin had been confined to his quarters, the door’s access panel locked from the outside. Both Kangin and Jaejoong could get into the room however, for the purposes of feeding and checking on the young man.
The door slid open, and Jaejoong immediately spotted Changmin sitting on his bed, reading a book. The younger man smiled brightly at the sight of Jaejoong and sat up, sliding a marker into his book and dropping it onto the bedcover. Jaejoong returned the smile and moved into the room, the soft hiss of the door closing easily audible in the silence.
“Jaejoong. I’m so glad you came today… I’ve been so bored in here!” Changmin exclaimed in pleasure, jumping off the bed energetically and hurrying around to help the older slave with his burden. He brushed his hand over the room control panel, and a table slid out from the floor in the empty part of the room at the foot of the bed. Jaejoong deposited the tray carefully there as Changmin dragged over one of the chairs from the desk, eying the food hungrily. Jaejoong laughed.
“You’d think we never fed you, the way you look at the food!” He teased. Changmin’s smile stretched into a grin, his eyes going slightly uneven for it.
“It almost feels like that! I do enjoy a good meal.” The tall boy said, looking over the meal appreciatively. He dug in his chopsticks, shoveling some of it into his mouth and then beamed at Jaejoong. “You’re still cooking? It’s very good you know.” He praised after swallowing. Jaejoong looked pleased.
“I’m glad you enjoy it… but I think you’d eat anything that was put before you.” Jaejoong joked. Changmin looked impish.
“Maybe. But I still think your cooking is great!” He munched through several more bites in silence, Jaejoong seating himself on the bed and watching him eat with almost morbid fascination. It was amazing how quickly Changmin could scoff down food. “Talk to me, Jaejoong. I wasn’t joking about being bored. It’s a nice change to have some company.” The young man said in a brief pause between bites. He blinked at Jaejoong expectantly, and Jaejoong couldn’t help but laugh at the picture he made.
“I’m sorry Changmin… I should come sit with you more often. It must be horrid locked up here.” He said sincerely. There were plenty of books for Changmin, and he had his own vid screen, but it couldn’t be very nice confined in such a small space, especially alone. Changmin just shrugged though.
“It’s okay. I’m reading a lot.” He said, motioning vaguely to the book he’d left on the bed. A more worried look flickered over his face however and he paused in his eating. “I worry though, that I can’t serve Master Yunho well. I feel he does not truly want me here in his house at all.” His tone was clearly troubled, though Jaejoong could not see the reason for it.
“You shouldn’t think that. It’s just been unfortunate timing, with his problems at work and all. It’s not personal - he has to do as he does to protect himself.” Jaejoong said with a slight frown. “He doesn’t truly believe you mean him harm.”
“Oh! No, I wasn’t thinking about that… well, I mean, I was a little, but more so I don’t think he appreciates having a new body slave in general at all.” Changmin said, pausing in his race to eat. The pause in itself troubled Jaejoong - Changmin did highly value food, and to distract him so… well, evidently the boy had thought on this a great deal in his confinement.
“What makes you think that? Changmin, you’re far better trained then I ever will be…” Jaejoong protested. It was strange to think that Changmin too was having doubts, just as he was. Changmin swallowed a mouthful, and drank some of the tea Jaejoong had placed on the tray as well.
“Be that as it may, he has you. And I do not think he needs - nor wants - me at all.” The tall boy said slowly, his eyebrows furrowing slightly. Jaejoong scoffed.
“You’re here to replace me, Changmin. I think… I think, when this trouble at his office is over with, I will be moved on.” Jaejoong said, hesitant. Not only did he think it a little unfair to burden the younger with his troubles, but he wasn’t sure of what was to happen at all. “You're no longer new here, and I’ve taught you everything I possibly can about Yunho, and the household. I’m of no further use here.” He said, swallowing back the sudden knot in his throat. It was one thing to think such things, another entirely to hear them voiced aloud.
It startled Jaejoong greatly then to hear the sharp laughter Changmin gave out, his head snapping up, eyes wide with surprise that the younger could be so callus in his reaction.
“You can’t be serious! You aren’t, are you?” Changmin exclaimed incredulously. Jaejoong scowled at him.
“Of course I’m serious. Why else would I say it? Isn’t it the truth?” He replied somewhat waspishly, completely put out.
“Oh Jaejoong, you’re a silly goose.” Changmin said exasperatedly. Jaejoong looked at the younger oddly.
“I am not!” He protested, not even knowing why the other slave would call him such. Changmin made a tsking noise, rising from the table to come sit beside the smaller man on the bed.
“Yes you are. Very much so in fact.” Changmin retorted with a grin. He tucked a strand of hair behind Jaejoong’s ear and smiled at him fondly. “Yunho adores you Jaejoong. You’ll never want for a position in his house.” He said. Jaejoong frowned.
“I’m a pleasure slave Changmin - and you are my replacement. There is no position for me here any longer.” He reiterated, not at all understanding what Changmin was trying to say. Jaejoong allowed himself no flights of fancy on his future. Changmin on the other hand scoffed at his seriousness.
“Of course there is!” He made a tsking sound. “Jaejoong… I very much fear I can never please our Master completely, no matter what I might do. When I am in his bed, all I ever hear of is you. I may be able to do tricks for him, give him some gratification… but I don’t bring him the pleasure you do. He enjoys your touch not just for touch’s sake, not just for carnal desire, but because it is you who touches him. Yunho cares for you very much.” Changmin’s words were empathic, and he obviously had great conviction that he was right.
Jaejoong was stunned at the words, quite taken aback at how sure Changmin was, and how strange the words sounded to him. Jaejoong would never have thought such things, had never considered that Yunho may have a personal preference for one or the other of them.
“Changmin… no, that’s not how it works. You should know that better then even I. We’re here to please him… that’s all.” Jaejoong argued. Changmin gave him a sour look.
“Why are you being so stubborn? You truly believe that Yunho doesn’t care for you at all? That he’s so unfeeling?” The younger boy shot forth questions, but Jaejoong was just shaking his head in denial… Changmin wasn’t even sure what of. “Then, can you truthfully tell me that you yourself feel nothing for our Master at all?” He pushed further, knowing that Jaejoong could not deny this at all - they’d often spoken together of Yunho, and Jaejoong’s care for the man was obvious.
“You know well that what you or I think or feel means nothing.” Jaejoong said, rather shortly. “Yunho has never been one for… excess. Especially not in this particular area. He would not keep two of us.” He went on, tapping the heel of his foot lightly against the bed as he looked out Changmin’s window. The dark lights of the soaring scraper opposite lit the square, flashes of flitters skimming through the sky between. He looked back over at Changmin with a sad smile. “I know you will please him exceedingly - he just needs a little time to get used to you.” It had taken Yunho a long while to get used to Jaejoong, and vice versa, and now Changmin had the advantage of his training and the fact that Yunho by now was well aware of how to manage a body slave.
Changmin let out a frustrated huff, and might have rolled his eyes if he had not been so well trained. He didn’t understand why Jaejoong was being so contrary, especially when it was so blindingly obvious to Changmin, even with his limited experience, the high regard both men had for each other. He’d been surprised, upon entering the Jung household, to see the relationship that Yunho held with Jaejoong. It wasn’t what he’d been trained to expect at all. Then again, there were not so many men like Yunho with body slaves. Most tended to be either older, proud of their money, or young and careless with too much family money and little sense or compassion. Men of Yunho’s age and success usually had little time for such things, or else had ease enough finding their own partners socially. Yunho however was a misnomer, and the familiarity he held his slave with was equally unusual.
Changmin had found it hard to understand the workings of the household. It was not Yunho’s way to give explicit orders, rather seeming to expect things done a certain way. Half the time when Changmin served him (outside of his bedroom duties), Yunho seemed to forget that it was not Jaejoong with him, leading too some awkward moments in which Yunho had expected something but Changmin had not even know something was required at all. It was also hard for Jaejoong to articulate these expectations, Changmin gathering that it was more to do with feeling out Yunho’s moods and just understanding what corresponding action was needed. This was, for the new slave, frustrating, as it was not something that could be learnt off, but rather took time and perseverance to build the required understanding. Plus, Changmin thought that even before the trouble at his workplace, Yunho had become impatient with his lack of such an understanding, and this inability to serve worried Changmin.
“I don’t think I could ever please him half as much as you do.” Changmin said back eventually, although he was resigned to Jaejoong’s stubbornness. He was even saved from arguing the point further as the vid screen chimed, the sound indicating that Jaejoong needed to leave. No doubt Kibum had called, and it was now time for Jaejoong to finish preparing Yunho’s dinner.
Jaejoong stood, giving Changmin a brief tilt of his lips and nodding towards the remaining food.
“Finish your meal, before it cools too far. Kangin should be by to take away the dishes later.” He said. Changmin rose too, giving Jaejoong a warm smile.
“Thank you for the food. Delicious, I’m telling you. And come by to talk to me tomorrow?” He asked, almost wistfully. Jaejoong’s lips spread into a real smile, and he nodded.
“Of course.” Moving towards the door, he pressed his fingers into the panel and let it slide open. Looking over his shoulder, he saw Changmin already digging back into the food. “Good night Changmin.” He bid.
Looking up from his rice, Changmin nodded, and hurried to swallow.
“Good night Jaejoong.” He returned, eyes watching the slim figure until the door closed shut on him, leaving Changmin once again alone, but now with the thankful distraction of food.
“Oh for lands sake, stop fiddling around there, Jaejoong!” Yunho snapped, the sound of his fist hitting some of the papers he had strewn about him on the bed sharp in the quiet room. Jaejoong jumped in fright at the sudden noise and the tone of Yunho’s voice, spinning from the table towards his Master and falling to his knees immediately, bowing his head.
“I’m sorry Master!” He exclaimed, biting his lip.
There was a small exasperated noise and then the sound of Yunho sighing. Jaejoong looked up to see Yunho massaging the bridge of his nose and then rubbing his face wearily. His eyes eventually fell back on Jaejoong, still kneeling on the carpet, and he waved a hand vaguely.
“Tch, no, no, don’t apologize. You’ve done nothing wrong… I fear I’m just in a foul mood.” He apologized in a round about way, and Jaejoong could see the lines of weariness on his face more then ever. It had been days since Yunho had a proper night’s sleep, often spending most of the night in his study room, going over details of the deal, or else tossing and turning in bed, Jaejoong trying his best to calm his sleep. The lack of sleep showed, exacerbating the stress he was already under and feeding the cycle onwards. Everyone was on edge because of it, and Jaejoong could only imagine what it was like for the men and women under Yunho at work, with Yunho constantly in a bad mood.
Biting his lip, Jaejoong rose again, saying nothing, and finished loading back the tray as quickly and quietly as he could. He bobbed out of the room, taking the supper items back to the kitchen. He paused in front of Yunho’s bedroom door on his return, taking a few deep breaths to steal himself against Yunho’s short temperedness. Letting out a final huff of air, he finally re-entered the room. Yunho was exactly as he’d left him, peering tiredly at paper’s through his glasses, a frown on his face.
Seeing that he was still working, Jaejoong sat quietly on the pillow in the corner of the room, waiting. Recently, he’d only rarely slept in his own quarters, Yunho seeming to want the company in his restless nights. Overall, it was perhaps easier on Jaejoong too, to be right at hand rather then being woken in the middle of the night anyway to attend Yunho.
Jaejoong was honestly afraid that Yunho would soon break down - the mental stress and physical toll on his body building day by day. The slave had watched with concern over the past weeks, only hoping that the take-over deal could be pushed through soon, so that this worry and danger would be gone from Yunho’s mind. It was likely Yunho would also then be able to take at least a short break, to rejuvenate himself. Studying the tense form and clenched jaw of his master, Jaejoong could only hope it would happen before Yunho collapsed.
Jaejoong had shifted positions several times before Yunho put aside his papers, his legs long since numb from sitting on them. When he stood to respond to his master’s beckons, he wobbled slightly as the feeling rushed back into his lower legs and feet. Ignoring the pins and needles, he helped Yunho collect the papers into neat piles and then took them back to his study, diligently placing them in their places on his master’s desk, or, with the more important ones, locking them into the drawer of the large desk.
He returned to Yunho’s bed soon after, slipping under the luxurious covers beside the larger man. Yunho’s hands were slow in their movements over his body, and Jaejoong responded in turn with slow steady caresses to try and sooth the man into a more peaceful sleep. His eyes however, while drooping tiredly, were not closing, and so Jaejoong slid down in the bed, pushing the covers back until he could find Yunho’s mild arousal. Curling himself around Yunho’s hips, Jaejoong scattered kisses across his skin, slowly and softly urging Yunho to fullness with soft touches of his lips and fingers.
His lips found a familiar path, and Yunho relaxed back into the pillows, finally letting his eyes slip closed even as he gave small moans of pleasure. Jaejoong made it as sweet and un-stressful as possible, building Yunho’s completion up slowly and guiding him off the pinnacle gently, the release of tension complete as he spilled into Jaejoong’s mouth.
The warm glow of satiation successfully lulled him into near slumber, and Jaejoong carefully replaced the covers over them both, the lights turned out with a touch as he settled in beside Yunho. Satisfied with hearing his master’s rhythmic, slow breathing, Jaejoong let himself sleep as well.
Jaejoong did not know it, but it was only forty minutes after he had fallen asleep that he was awoken again, Yunho thrashing beside him before abruptly sitting up in bed, panting. Jaejoong reached out to touch his shoulder, but in Yunho’s befuddled state, it surprised him greatly. He jumped, spinning defensively to nearly hit Jaejoong in the face. Jaejoong let out a small cry, ducking away from the flailing limb, before Yunho’s wide eyes fixed on his face in the dark, realizing who it was.
“Jaejoong!” He exclaimed, almost panting. Jaejoong nodded silently, his own eyes wide as well as he hesitated, unsure of what to do. Yunho stared at him a moment before he looked away abruptly, fingers clawing the bed sheets and fisting into the fabric. “DAMN it.” He gritted out, exhaling heavily. “This is ridiculous.” He muttered to himself, hand going to massage the bridge of his nose.
“Master…” Jaejoong said quietly, once more reaching forward. His hand curled over Yunho’s shoulder, and Yunho turned to look at him, face etched with weariness. “Would you like some tea…?” he suggested, one of the many things that Yunho had tried before to calm him during the night.
Yunho sighed, shaking his head.
“No. Jaejoong… I’m doing nothing but scare you and keep you from sleep as well. You might as well go to your own room. It seems I’m not going to get much sleep tonight.” He said tiredly, waving a hand to dismiss his slave. Jaejoong frowned however, and didn’t move.
“Pardon me for saying, Master, but you’re no good to anyone exhausted.” He said, and Yunho gave him a surprised look at his frankness. Jaejoong didn’t back down however. “You need to sleep.” He went on, a little softer.
“It’s not for lack of want or trying, I can assure you.” Yunho said wryly. “I don’t even know why I woke up.”
Jaejoong was silent for a moment, before he nodded to himself, sliding from the bed and padding over to the en suite, Yunho’s tired yet curious eyes following him. He returned moments later, a small bottle in hand. Turning on the lights, causing both of them to blink, Jaejoong sat back down on the bed, folding his legs under him and handing the bottle to Yunho. The man examined it, squinting at the label and then looking over at Jaejoong quizzically.
“Dr Lee gave these to me when he visited.” Jaejoong explained. “Not for me, but for you. He said you looked exhausted even then, and that you might need these. They’re sleeping pills.” He set out, letting Yunho come to his own decision. Yunho frowned slightly, and unscrewed the cap of the bottle, gingerly tipping a few of the large flat white pills into his hand. He stared at them, not really sure what he was looking for, but studying them none the less. Looking over at Jaejoong once more, his slave’s face held naught but concern and expectancy.
“Sleeping pills…” He murmured half to himself.
“Half a pill will make you sleep til morning.” Jaejoong confirmed. He wasn’t sure that Yunho would even deign to take the pills - his paranoia forbidding it, or else his workaholic attitude that he should be on call at all times.
“I don’t think it’s such a good idea…” Yunho said, the slight frown still not leaving his face. “What if something happens and they needed me?”
“Then I would wake you.” Jaejoong offered, full of practicality as he intruded on Yunho’s train of thought. Yunho raised an eyebrow at him. “Well, they will help you sleep, but you could still be roused… you may be a bit drowsy, but if it was such an emergency…” The slave trailed off, fiddling with the bed sheets under his fingers. Yunho said nothing for some time, and Jaejoong dropped his head, biting his lip.
Yunho thought. He thought about Saedol, the man that he’d known since childhood. He thought about his beautiful, loyal slave, that he’d accused of treachery not a week before. He thought about the night terrors and sleeplessness and how damn tired he was. He thought about the flat white pills, and what they could do for him, or to him.
He sighed, tipping the pills in his hand back into the bottle, leaving one in the palm of his hand. He used his thumb then to snap the remaining pill in half, dropping one side back into the bottle as well. He wordlessly gave Jaejoong back the bottle and lid. Jaejoong took it gratefully; smiling in what he hoped was a reassuring way to his master as he screwed back the lid. Yunho tipped his head back and downed the pill dry, washing it down his throat with saliva. He wrinkled his nose at the bitter taste at the back of his tongue, and then nodded to Jaejoong.
“You must stay then. Wake me if anyone rings through, or if there are any problems.” Yunho stressed. Jaejoong nodded, placing the pills on the bedside table and crawling back under the covers.
“Of course Master.” He said, meeting Yunho’s eyes to show his sincerity. He was so glad Yunho took the pill… just one decent night’s sleep would help him a lot, Jaejoong felt. Yunho’s eyes searched his face, his gaze piercing and hard. Jaejoong returned it best he could, not daring to look away.
“I’m trusting you, Jaejoong.” The words were low and heavy, and Yunho swallowed hard as he said them. He was trusting Jaejoong to watch over him. To not harm him, when it would be so easy, or to let harm befall him. Jaejoong swallowed as well, nodding solemnly. Reaching out, Yunho cupped Jaejoong’s face, caressing the soft cheek for a moment before sighing out the air he didn’t know he’d been holding in and dropping his hand away. Yunho gave him one last look, before turning the lights off once more and pushing himself down in the bed. Jaejoong followed, curling up at his side, eyes still fixed on his Master’s face.
The lay there, silently, watching one another, until the chemicals seeped into Yunho’s blood and he began to feel his eyelids drawn down by a heavy weight. Soon, unconsciousness had rolled over him, blessedly black and empty. Jaejoong watched as Yunho’s breathing slowed and deepened once more, his body relaxing fully into the bed and the muscles of his face slackening.
Reaching out, he brushed a few fallen locks from the other man’s face tentatively, smoothing them back. Leaning forward, he pressed a small kiss to Yunho’s brow, and whispered to the sleeping visage of his master, who looked so much younger in sleep.
“I won’t let anything harm you.”
Continue on to the second half...