Lost in Love [37/40]

Jun 06, 2011 14:17

Title: Lost in Love [37/40]
Author: ixjaydee
Rating: PG - 13
Pairing: Woogyu (Woohyun/Sunggyu);; Sungsoo (Sungyeol/Myungsoo);; Wooya (Dongwoo/Hoya)
Genre: drama, high school cliches, and the like.
Disclaimer: Reality is a cruel, cruel place.
Summary: Nam Woohyun: noun - [1] resident pretty boy and one of the most popular juniors in the entire school. [2] has a reputation of being a jerk, but only because most people don’t understand he doesn’t really mean his insults. It’s just how he shows his affection.
Kim Sunggyu: noun - [1] nobody. [2] a junior just trying to make his way through school and do bigger and better things with his life.
Woogyu: noun - [1] a name given to Woohyun and Sunggyu by his best friend Dongwoo, who happens to know that Woohyun has a crush on Sunggyu. [2] the reason Sunggyu gets crippled for life.

AN;; The end is so close, I can taste it. Oh my god. Oh my god.




Sunggyu caught Woohyun looking up videos on how to play the ukulele on his phone. He thought it was cute the way Woohyun would practice until he noticed Sunggyu staring. Then he would stop and blush before putting his ukulele away to ask Sunggyu a million questions about nothing.

Sunggyu didn’t know why, but it made him happy to see Woohyun putting in an effort into something he probably wasn’t going to keep up with. He guessed that Woohyun thought it was important to him, so he tried, despite the fact that he had other things to worry about too.

“Any word on schools yet?” Sunggyu asked at the dinner table. Woohyun took a bite of his food before chewing it a few times, thinking about his answer.

“A few. A few have already offered scholarships and spots on their teams but...” Sunggyu nodded, not needing Woohyun to finish his sentence. He was still waiting to hear from the university. His university.

“That’s good, you’ll have a few backup schools here and there, just in case, you know. But I totally believe in you. I believe in you.”

“Yeah, Sunggyu believes in you enough for the both of us,” Sungyeol said, reaching across the table and stabbing his fork into one of Woohyun’s chicken nuggets and eating it right in front of him. Woohyun blinked at him a few times in disbelief.

“We’re not at school. This isn’t my lunch. Eat your own food!”

“It was just sitting there, all alone and lonely on your plate. I had to eat it to put it out of its misery.”


Testing season was coming around again, and Sunggyu’s living room became the new spot to study. Myungsoo, Sungyeol, and Sungjong took half of the coffee table while the oldest boys took the other half, part of the floor, and the couch too.

Everything was quiet save for the occasional whispering and rustling of papers. The silence was broken when Sungyeol’s head fell onto the table with a loud thump.

“Oh my god, I can’t take this anymore. If I draw another graph, analyze another passage, or label body parts on another worm, I’m going to explode and die.” Dongwoo and Hoya looked up from their work and grinned at Sungyeol before throwing their erasers at his fallen head.

“Whatever. Shut up. Some of us have to study so we don’t repeat this year over again. I want to get out of here so I don’t have to see your faces again,” Dongwoo said, pointing his pencil at Myungsoo and Sungyeol.

“You guys are too much of a strain on my brain.”

“And my wallet,” Woohyun added, not looking up from his packet. He and Sunggyu were almost finished with their reviews since they’d been working on them nonstop, not giving in to distractions around them.

“Let’s take a break. We can go for a walk, or play some basketball. There are courts pretty close to here.” Sunggyu put his pencil down and sat back, leaning on his arms for support.

“I have an old basketball somewhere in my closet.”

“Are you sure you can play?” Woohyun asked, giving him a concerned look. Sunggyu nodded and pushed himself up from the floor. He headed into his room and started to dig through his closet for his basketball. He played a lot with some of the neighborhood kids before the accident.

When he found it, he pushed on it a little bit, happy to see that it didn’t deflate too much, and that it would still be good to play. Sunggyu stopped to find his knee brace and put it on before throwing the basketball to Sungyeol.

“There’s still plenty of air. Do you still suck at basketball? I’m pretty sure I can still beat you, gimpy leg or not.” Sungyeol narrowed his eyes at Sunggyu before standing up.

“You’re on, old man.”


Sunggyu had been exercising lightly in preparation of having to learn soccer with Woohyun. When he went for his early morning jogs, he’d stop here and there and practice some of the things he used to do when he was playing sports more often.

He was sad to say that he’d gotten a little bit rusty. Sunggyu was a little bit slower, a little less agile because of his leg, but he was still pretty decent, at least, compared to Sungyeol anyway. His height and long legs seemed to work against him in sports instead of helping him like they should.

The two of them faced each other on the court while the others sat down on the sidelines.

“Sunggyu, Sunggyu, he’s our man. If he can’t do it, someone less crippled can!” Dongwoo and Hoya chanted. Sunggyu turned to give them a weird look as Woohyun reached over and smacked them both in the back of the head.

“That was stupid, even for you two,” Woohyun said, rolling his eyes.

“Whatever! I could probably beat Sungyeol if I were confined to a wheelchair.” Sungyeol glared at Sunggyu as Myungsoo looked off into the distance, tilting his head with an amused smile on his face.

“Is Sungyeol really that bad at sports?” Myungsoo asked as he watched Sungyeol dribble the ball a few times before passing it to Sunggyu. Sunggyu faked to the left and swung around Sungyeol as he tried to grab the ball and shot at the goal, scoring.

“No. I’m just that good. Even for a cripple,” Sunggyu said, flashing a peace sign at the other boys before jogging back to the line.

“I’m not going to lose this time!”


The game always ended the same way: Sungyeol yelling in frustration while Sunggyu sat down on the ground, sweating with a bright smile on his face. He was breathing a little bit harder than would’ve liked, but he still won, silently fist pumping.

It felt good for things to go back to normal for a moment. Not once during the game did anyone ask if he was okay, if his leg was hurting, or if he needed a break. Instead, it was full of cheers, jeers, and laughter.

Sunggyu missed this.


They played some teams before heading back to the house to finish their homework and reviews. Sunggyu sat out the last few games to take a break, complaining about being out of shape and needing to exercise some more.

“I don’t know, Sunggyu. Round is still a shape,” Woohyun called from the court, making Sunggyu scowl at him and stick out his tongue. Woohyun stopped in the middle of the court, making Sungyeol go crashing into him and fall back.

“What the hell, Woohyun?” Sungyeol shoved at the back of his legs and got back up, running after the ball.

“Do that again. I dare you.” Sunggyu stuck his tongue out and kept it out for a second before licking his lips sensually and laughing when Woohyun’s eyes narrowed at him.

“I’ll remember this.”


Somehow on their way home, they managed to get sidetracked and ended up in their usual ice cream parlor.

“Okay, special day, I’m paying for ice cream,” Sunggyu said as he sat down. Woohyun grabbed his hand and kissed it, smile on his face.

“Quick! Before he changes his mind!” Sungyeol shouted as he dragged Myungsoo from the table to the line. Sunggyu rolled his eyes as he sat back in the chair, watching Hoya and Dongwoo fight them for their spot in line.

“Why in such a good mood?” Woohyun asked, playing with Sunggyu’s fingers. He pressed on the calluses at the tips of his fingers before looking back up to meet his eyes.

“I dunno. I’m just in a really good mood. Everything feels... normal.” Woohyun nodded, leaning back in his chair and laughing as Hoya put Sungyeol into a headlock and rubbed his knuckles into his hair.

“Isn’t it always like this?”

“No, more like... It feels like it did before my knee got messed up. No one’s asking me about it, and we’re just hanging out without any worrying about me. It feels nice.” Woohyun pursed his lips. He knew what Sunggyu was talking about. Sunggyu had always been an independent person. He liked doing things for himself, and while he didn’t mind when Woohyun helped him out, Woohyun knew he was perfectly capable of taking care of himself.

“I brought back your favorite since you’re paying,” Sungyeol said as he sat down and placed a gigantic bowl of ice cream in front of Sunggyu.

“You’re kidding me, right? Does it look like I can finish this?”

“Yeah. You gotta get back in shape, remember? Round is a shape, and it’s the shape I like you in,” Woohyun said, laughing as Sunggyu reached over to punch him hard in the shoulder.


“Why am I here again? You haven’t kept up your end of the bargain yet,” Sunggyu said as he glanced around the expanse of the soccer field. It looked a lot bigger now that he was actually standing on it than when it did when he was sitting up in the bleachers.

“Just a few basic lessons here and there,” Woohyun said, warming up as Sunggyu stretched. He winced a little bit when he went to far and his knee protested, but he knew it would be better if he stretched now and felt a little bit of pain than be sore for the next three days.

They were done with exams and got out of school early. Dongwoo and Hoya said they had college things to take care of, so they left first, bidding the other two goodbye. Sungyeol, Myungsoo, and Sungjong were all stuck in school all day to take exams for all of their classes.

“I’ll be gentle. I promise.” Woohyun picked up the ball and kicked it around a bit while waiting for Sunggyu to finish with his stretches. When Sunggyu finished, he sat on the ground with a pout on his face before reaching his hands out.

“Help me up.” Woohyun laughed and shook his head before walking over to him and pulling him up to his feet.

“Alright, Master Woohyun. Mold me as you will.”


Sunggyu ended up on the ground more often than he was kicking the ball. Everything he was doing looked too adorable to Woohyun, and Woohyun ended up tackling him to the ground and laughing into chest more than teaching him anything about soccer.

“Woohyun, seriously? I never realized you could tackle people in soccer. Why don’t you do it more often during games? It would make it a little bit more exciting.” Woohyun reached up and punched Sunggyu in the shoulder before getting back up and helping Sunggyu to his feet.

“I’m sorry. It’s just... You’re so cute. I can’t help myself.” Sunggyu rolled his eyes before reaching for the ball and kicking at it lightly.

“I commend you on your ability to keep this thing near your feet and getting it to go wherever you want it to go. Never again will I make fun of you for getting hit in the head with the ball.”

“Hey! Hey! I’m not getting hit in the head with the ball, I’m using my head to hit the ball.”

“So you’re supposed to have that dazed and confused look on your face after you do it?” Sunggyu asked with a smirk on his face.

“You trying taking a soccer ball to the head after someone’s kicked it.”

“So you are getting hit in the head with the ball.”

“That’s not the point. The point is, the ball gets into the goal, and I am a hero, regardless of how it happens.” Sunggyu laughed and rolled his eyes, bouncing up and down slightly on his feet as he kicked at the ball and headed towards a goal.

Woohyun ran out after him, running backwards to try and steal the ball from him. Sunggyu used whatever he managed to learn from Woohyun to go around him, making Woohyun yell. He suddenly got competitive, forgetting that it was just Sunggyu he was playing against and stuck his leg out to get the ball, making their legs tangle and the both of them go down in a mass of tangled limbs.

“Oh crap, are you okay?” Woohyun asked, propping himself up onto his elbows and taking a look at Sunggyu. Sunggyu groaned into Woohyun’s chest, trying to push himself up with an arm but falling back down again.

“You hit my bad leg,” he managed to mumble out. Woohyun started to panic now, rolling Sunggyu off of him and checking out his left leg, which had a small scratch on it. Sunggyu sighed and sat up, pulling his knee up to look at it while Woohyun hovered over him.

“I knew this was a bad idea, I knew this- What? What’re you laughing at?” Woohyun asked as Sunggyu suddenly burst into laughter.

“This is my bad leg, you idiot. You just scratched my knee on my other leg,” Sunggyu said, shoving at Woohyun. “Stop being such a drama queen.” Woohyun glared at Sunggyu before shoving him over and getting up in a huff.

“I thought I hurt you or something!”

“You could’ve. I didn’t realize you’d get so competitive with a cripple.”

“Whatever! At least I’m not like Sungyeol and trying to jab at it so I can steal the ball from you.” Sunggyu laughed and made the grabby hands at Woohyun again. Woohyun was still mad so he just glared at Sunggyu until he sighed and got up himself.

Sunggyu made his way over to Woohyun and wrapped his arms around his waist.

“Soccer is pretty fun. I see why it’s your life now. I really hope you get into that school.” Things got quiet between them at the mention of the school.


They practiced one more time in front of Sunggyu’s computer. Woohyun didn’t know why he was so nervous. All he was doing was playing and singing a song with his boyfriend for the entire internet to see. People would be judging him.

“You’ll be fine. It’s just a cover, don’t get nervous.” Sunggyu elbowed Woohyun twice before his bedroom door opened, and Sungyeol, Myungsoo, and Sungjong came trooping in, settling on Sunggyu’s bed.

Sunggyu turned around and stared at them.

“What’re you guys doing here?”

“We’re your cheering squad in the back of the video. Don’t mind us. We’re just background,” Sungjong said, flashing a peace sign and laughing. Woohyun glared at them out of the corner of his eye. Now, he was even more nervous.

Sunggyu shook his head before turning back to Woohyun. “Ready?” Woohyun nodded and swallowed. He was as ready as he was he was ever going to be. Sunggyu reached up to hit the record button.

“Hey everyone! As you can see, we have some special guests in my video today,” he gestured around at the number of people in his room, “but today’s video is going to be good. I convinced Woohyun to learn the ukulele and cover this song with me.”

“Be nice to me. I’m nowhere near as good as Sunggyu,” Woohyun said sheepishly.

“This is We Could Happen by AJ Raphael.” Sunggyu glanced over at Woohyun with a smile before starting the song off.

I'll hold the door
please come in and just sit here for a while
this is my way of telling you
I need you in my life
It's so cold without your touch
I've been dreaming way too much
can we just turn this into reality

Woohyun joined in for the chorus.

'Cause I've been thinking 'bout you lately
maybe you can save me
from this crazy world we live in
I know we could happen ‘cause you know
that I've been feeling you

Sunggyu dropped out and let Woohyun sing the next verse by himself. He hoped that Woohyun wouldn’t freeze up.

Storms they will come but I know
that the sun will shine again
he's my friend and he says
that we belong together
and I'll sing a song to break the ice
just a smile from you would suffice
it's not me being nice, boy this is real tonight

Their voices mixed again for the chorus, and the others in the back started to wave their hands in the back in time to the music, making Sunggyu and Woohyun struggle not to laugh as they sang. They finished up the song and burst out laughing as soon as Sunggyu stopped the recording.

“You guys are dumb! What do you think you’re doing?!”

“Livening up the video. Watching you two sing a lovey dovey song while making goo goo eyes at each other gets boring after a while.”

“I’ll show you boring,” Woohyun said, dropping his ukulele onto his chair and tackling Sungyeol into the bed. Sungyeol yelled and struggled for a bit, trying to get Woohyun off of him.

“Myungsoo! Aren’t you going to do something about this?” Sungyeol asked indignantly. But Myungsoo was already gone, taking Woohyun’s seat and picking up his ukulele.

“So how do you play this thing?” he asked Sunggyu with much curiosity.


“Yeah, yeah, in a minute just let me...” Sunggyu laughed as he taught him a chord, helping him figure out how to strum.


“Your boyfriend seems to be calling you,” Sunggyu said. Myungsoo looked up from the ukulele in confusion.

“Boyfriend? Oh right...”

“Myungsoo! You ass!”

woogyu, !fanfic, #fandom: infinite, lost in love, chaptered

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