pastilla, and
zannah all did it, and all managed to retain their dignity. I know that, about a year ago, I posted an entry titled (something along the lines of) "The Last Xanga Quiz I Will Ever Post In My LiveJournal. Ever.". However, this is a LiveJournal quiz. With that very lame loophole, here goes.
I'm very late, again.
here be pointless narcissistic ramblings in which I detail my many insignificant idiosyncracies )
I am so in tune with #18, the dislike for large stores. I, too, either become extremely cranky, or lapse into a "doll-like stare" in such places.
Tough call on the Chicken Soup thing. Personally I despise the entire series, because reading them makes me feel guilty for not being a blind quadraplegic with a cleft palate and bone cancer who works tirelessly to cheer up those less fortunate. But Mom-of-905 has a point: published work credit... from second grade work, no less.
Of course, you already have a published work... a real book, no less, with your name on the cover! Will the Chicken Soup thing really help that much with scholarships? What if the scholarship committee has a low pablum tolerance?
Perhaps more importantly, are you comfortable with it? Would it bother you to have your work published in a series you don't find particularly worthwhile? Or does it matter where something is published, as long as it's published? Keep in mind this is the opinion of someone who's never been published (let alone had my second grade work considered for publication), but I think I'd be of the opinion of "yeah, sure, whatever," as long as I was being compensated in some way -- optimally a fine multi-figured check and my name on the front cover. Down the road, when you have better credits to include on your résumé (and you will have better credits to include), you won't even have to mention this one. But you'll have it, just in case; you never know when something like this could come in useful. And it will make mom happy. And mom takes you to concerts and record stores.
In closing, one more uhm.... That would be... "6 x 8 = ___." I just went back and referred to the text. My version indicates a different equation. Which, now that I look at it, doesn't... er... equate, either.
Thanx for the entertaining glimpse into your psyche.
The low pablum tolerance is a good thing to consider. I think that The Spelling Bee And Me has enough pablum in just one page to make Doris Day vomit...but that's just me.
But then, the Chicken Soup thing could come in handy to an extent, provided the scholarship committee is made up of the type of people who actually read Chicken Soup For The Soul. And it will make Mom very happy, and if I do it she might take me to a show in November that I'm really looking forward to, and chances are good that if I don't, she will refuse to take me to any shows until she forgets about it.
But then, it's the type of thing that will follow me around for the rest of my life--as in, the type of thing that would show up in a Smoking Gun exposé if I'm ever famous in my own right. Okay, that last part is self-indulgently egotistical, but you know what I mean.
Maybe if I publish it anonymously...I could say my initials are F.N.O.R.D! And that would make me very happy. Florence Nightingale Ophelia Rhubarb Danenhower. It has a certain ring to it, I think.
Maybe not. I dunno, I'll keep thinking about it.
(And by thinking about it, I mean that I'll let it lurk in the back of my mind until I make a panicked, last-minute final decision that I'll probably end up regretting.)
I think I basically just reiterated everything you said in your comment. Yep. Oh well. Math now.
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