In a Meeting of the MInds

May 25, 2024 11:47

Two men sit across a room
Broadcasting, their voices boom!
Tète á tète, conversing soon
Talking heads openly discuss what constitutes a breech of trust.
The first says, "Not a moment too soon."
The second insists, "You must!
- if you're trying to shoot the moon."
Then slowly the sun turns to dusk, and the faces turn to dust,
Dissolve... and slowly disappear
One of them has left the room,
The other says, "Not a moment too soon!"
Smiling widely walking past, gets into his Naples yellow
aerodynamic Mercedes convertible, and drives off into the sunset,
leaving the other two to ponder what just happened. But,
nothing happened, the second left the other,
the first by himself, speechless...
says, "Oh well, there's alway tomorrow, isn't there?"
Left to ponder in the silence
without words, thinks,
"That will teach us for mouthing off!"
This remains to be seen.
To be cont'd...

dr. π (pi)


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