Privacy expert Ann Cavoukian resigns as adviser to Sidewalk Labs

May 25, 2024 10:17

Privacy expert Ann Cavoukian resigns as adviser to Sidewalk Labs - The Logic - 2018
sadly paywalled; free part is this:

October of 2017, Waterfront Toronto announced it had chosen Sidewalk Labs to present a plan to design a high-tech neighbourhood for the Quayside development, which is along Toronto's eastern waterfront. On Google, news travels slow...

“Privacy forms the basis of our freedom. You have to have moments of reserve, reflection, intimacy and solitude.” - Dr. Ann Cavoukian | Executive Director off Ryerson University’s Privacy and Big Data Institute. Currently @ Global Privacy and Security by Design via

Ann Cavoukian, former Ontario privacy commissioner resigns from spyware project Sidewalk Labs in Toronto Canada 2017. “I felt I had no choice so I left,” she said.

Ann Cavoukian, a world-leading privacy expert, then resigned as an adviser to Sidewalk Labs on its proposed Toronto smart city development. Cavoukian sent a letter advising the company of her resignation Friday. In the letter, she expressed concerns regarding Sidewalk Labs recent digital governance proposals, specifically, the possibility that not all personal data would be de-identified at the source-a concern she said she raised with Sidewalk Labs early last month. Sidewalk Labs told The Logic it is committed to de-identifying data, but that it can’t control what third-parties do. “With all due respect,” she wrote about data not being de-identified at source, “that is not acceptable.” “If personally identifiable data are not de-identified at source, we will be creating another central database of personal information (controlled by whom?), that may be used without data subjects’ consent, that will be exposed to the risks of hacking and unauthorized access,” she said in her statement. “As we all know, existing methods of encryption are not infallible and may be broken, potentially exposing the personal data of Waterfront Toronto residents! Why take such risks?” -

Former Blackberry co-CEO Jim Balsillie called the project “a colonizing experiment in surveillance capitalism.”

Dr. Ann Cavoukian is recognized as one of the leading privacy experts in the world

Dr. Ann Cavoukian is recognized as one of the leading privacy experts in the world. Noted for her seminal work on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) in 1995, her concept of Privacy by Design seeks to proactively embed privacy into the design specifications of information technology and accountable business practices, thereby achieving the strongest protection possible. In October, 2010, regulators from around the world gathered at the annual assembly of International Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners in Jerusalem, Israel, and unanimously passed a landmark Resolution recognizing Privacy by Design as an essential component of fundamental privacy protection. This was followed by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission’s inclusion of Privacy by Design as one of its three recommended practices for protecting online privacy - a major validation of its significance. via

At the time, this made news far and wide...

And just to be fair, here's Sidewalk Labs' wet dream...

Privacy's not about secrecy, it's about CONTROL - sic Google

Toronto wants to kill the smart city forever | MIT Technology Review : via

Fuck Google & CIA Deep State

*[Spoiler (click to open)]I can't begin to tell you how much I hate the fuck out of Google Corpse Alphabet Soup. Thank you Ms Cavoukian. Google must die. Kill the fucked up Sidewalk Labs Smart City forever. Kill Google. Fuck Google. Google is Evil.

dr. π (pi)

fuck youtube, fuck the fed, google is evil, fuck microsoft, fuck globalism, internet censorship, fuck facebook, techyum, fuck google

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