Man Above the Sea of Cloud (poem)

Jan 16, 2024 10:24

Man Above the Sea of Cloud

My life journey I have shared, can sometimes pose desires and distractions to what I perceive to be the ways of man.
I get frustrated and complain or worry I can’t find the time to dream and create beauty. The world to me is ugly, with exceptions.
Those rare moments of beauty and peace that make the whole thing worth it. I ask God for constant mercy and grace through prayer.
Sometimes it comes in a radiant sunset or shadowy forest speckled with light or vast blue ocean seen from a shoreline against a mirror sky.
Rolling green hills, with pockets of mankind settled onto its midst. Farmlands and homesteads, vineyards and long empty stretches road among rocky outcrops.
Mountains that rise above the heavens, greater than any Tower of Babel we’ve built today. No rocket has yet reached the stars in the sky, nor found forms of alien life.

I ask to be guided through the elements of life which draw my attention from within, so without, God is a hand behind the scene helping me grow and to cope.
In the darkest night of the soul I draw closer to God to reveal deeper experience and meaning to me, of the universe in which I am held captive, with only imagination
To escape this constricting shelter we call our planet. I seek joy. I seek truth. I seek love. I seek youth. I seek insight into the unseen all-knowing omnipotent spirit of life.
For all our trials and tribulations, there are small gems of joy and awakening the the great vastness of our miraculous existence. What gifts we are given of fire and knowing,
of water and flowing, of steadfastness of earth and maker of metals for tools. Of love and the arts, chivalrye and courtesye, given to the betterment of mankind. Facing conflict
and adversity with courage and creativity and healing to find a good way to be. Oneself in harmony with all humanity, healing old wounds, and strengthened connection, from the heart.
Heal the heart and the mind and the body will follow, the soul knows the way. Yes, trials may come, but as God is our witness, they can become overcome, what dreams may come,
Of trials and tribulations testing our veracity and compassion for nature and humanity, gradually learning that life is a dance, nothing is written in stone, with every storm comes a fresh morn.
Walk step by step in God, Holy Spirit will guide us to where we already are. And once we reach that peak, there is always a bigger and larger picture than us. Be jubilant and thankful that we have an “Aha!”

Thank you for helping me find the grace of acceptance, and trusting in myself and in God.

Caspar David Friedreich - Man above the sea of fog (slightly edited)

Understand who you are and why you had the experience of life.

dr. π (pi)


art artist, earthdance, god wins!, life is transient

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