Fuckoffee (poem)

Jan 05, 2024 12:46

Going for coffee at the local dinero, is like listening to CNN opinion hour,
This 'n that corporate rat, politico, the candidates, the globalists, the state
Without whom civilization would collapse into slavery. But wait! Who are "they"?
Who seem to think this way, yet they themselves are bound into debt slavery...
The central banks who pull the strings behind the scenes with all "their" graft
and money-laundering. Who are "they"? These sheeple seem to think "them"innocent
of step inflation, economic trade deficiencies, and bankruptcy, such that
the fallout from the criminal hand, appears such fallacy, only by mallacey,
A process of nature, with the survival of the fortunate, some supernatural divine hand,
Worship of the gods, to handle the goods, by Act of God, we remain penniless,
Not a sense for our thoughts... this divination and manipulation, much like weather,
Whether or not we take to account our economic climates, and the anti-climactic
climate agendas, disaster capitalists, alternate facts, and inconvenient truth,
of their green energy (greenback) money-laundering schemes are a dime a dozen.
Don't get winced, for the wankers who brought you, premature climaxes,
Flood the swamp to the armpits with their alligators, then run up with their nets
To gather the fish, who are fleeing to escape the pond, becoming ensnared by fate.
No. There are victors and their are victims, and in any one moment, it exists
For us to choose, whether to abandon the shitshow and leave the circus. What will it be?
The sinking ship or the gallows?
So, I got up and left le petit diner, with their vomit still on the tables. ~psp

Pope Pius the turd. Club 300. Fortune 500. From ancient aristocracy, all roads lead to Rome,

CNN Opinion bar opens the world's first 'CNN Cafe' in Seoul Korea fuckoffee.. to discuss Fake News!

Today I sat at the coffee house having bkfst, listening to two old farts comparing notes on investments,
Amazon stocks and crypto currency, claiming they made 100,000s and millions $

When news was fake, maybe some of us were better off that way...

dr. π (pi)

socio-politics, poem, coffee, conspiracy theory, new polemics

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