Luger - Agent of Death (poem)

Jan 05, 2024 11:18

Dear Dr Mengele, merchant of death.
Swiss inventor Jakob Stahel patented a silencer
intended for killing cattle though he claimed
it could be adapted to other firearms.
Hiram Percy Maxim, son of a maxim gun.
Invented the machine gun to mow down
In swaths of blood, his fellow humans
For some unknown cause. To play God.
It was made by an American, for profit.
You just pull the trigger, it’s like riding a bike.
You load the chamber and peddle
It does the job in silent slaughter
Leaving a trail of death and laughter.
Hitler used the silencer to kill discreetly
Using the “suppressor” to muzzle the crowds
And cover his recoil from the public house
His propaganda reached the henhouse,
Unwittingly, brainwashed us to believe
We were acting in good conscience
By killing off humanity, Stalin followed
Straight behind. Mussolini, Mao, the blind
Leading the blind. They were all creatures
Of their own device. Early use of bioweapons
We learned from the Indians. Small pox blanketed
The earth like some Black Death from China.
Dear Agent Orange, I love the smell of napalm
In the morning, dead and mourning,
Psychodisarmonie deranged
Blame it on a virus, that doesn’t exist.
The truth is people choose to live like pigs.
Tuberculosis in the death camps and reform schools
The ovens and gas chambers, and firing squads
Graves full of victims dispose of the evidence.
All could have been avoided, with the bio-weapon
They’ve created now. Unwitting people willingly
Silently, invisibly, convincingly, untraceably,
Accept, inject the clot shot, to die of blood clots
Or turbo cancer, there is a cure for everything
And everyone. Death is imminent, when you
Wield power like that. You play God.
Who decides, who must die
And who will live on?

Death is imminent now, to exterminate rats
No need for extremists or terrorists,
This killer is silent, it kills with stealth.
Where is God in all this lengthy equation?
Or one iota of sympathy for the devil?
Who decides who dies, and who will live?
Is there even a thread of human conscience
Left in the trail of the dead? Our battle is spiritual
Our battle is between good and evil,
Good men do bad things, bad men do good.
Fuck Satan, and Satan fucks you back.
Love God and God loves you back.
It’s pretty simple, faith kills ~psp

Satan kills, Jesus saves.

dr. π (pi)

dead, health issues, kill bill, death cab for cutie, hope, war & peace

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