Mexican Stand Off

Dec 26, 2023 20:55

Well here we go ! The shift finally hits the fans - Fans are now unwelcome on YT

ie. To avoid Google (YT) Ads, you can sign up for a premium subscription of $13.99/mo

Ad blockers violate YouTube's Terms of Service
It looks like you may be using an ad blocker. Video playback is blocked unless YouTube is allowlisted or the ad blocker is disabled.
Ads allow YouTube to be used by billions worldwide. *(So fucking what!)
You can go ad-free with YouTube Premium, and creators can still get paid from your subscription. *(I've been on YT for over a decade and I've never gotten paid for promoting content)

Herein lies the $14 billion/mo question...

So, you're telling me that billions paying $13.99/mo will allow Youtube to promote more ads? (Not my problem)

Allow YouTube Ads?
Try YouTube Premium?
Not using an ad blocker? Report issue? *(Truly, who gives a rat's ass)

*So, to avoid sick ads, you need to use VPN, which is like war with the Ukraine. Lose, lose. It's enough they monitor activity
and redirect our searches to hide half their content from the public, and censor and monetize that which they can. *(Not my problem)
Then they make us watch ads paid for by Googs, which distract from the content we are there to partake.

*I just don't agree with YT policy. I think it's invasive and bullying free expression. So fuck it.

When YT tries to get me to sign up for anything, I always decline. I also don't sign in to remain anon.

This inhibits building your playlists, so when I find music I want to save, I will sign in to YT to save it.

After the fact you can always access your YT channel and access the playlists as anonymous.

F*ck Google, Fcku Gootube, Fuck the Internet, Fock the World Wide Web
*Fokken ze Industrial Military Medical Media Banking Complex
F*ck Communist China CCP and TikTok 5G Wuhan Virus
F*ck the Ukraine bioweapon labs and human trafficking
Ban fake news CNN (communist news network)
Don't watch on YT, tell Gootube to go to hell..
Fuck Israel Hamas and the Middle East
Joker's Jukebox, Fuck That Noise !!
A night at the Opera, Use Duck-duck-go!
Use VPN and Ad Blocker, or go home
All the old blogs are missing
Nothing works anymore

The IT Tech Industry has finally hit bottom, it's time to move on from the internet.

I said I'm going to start looking for something else to spend my time.

Youtube can stick my content where the sun don't shine.

I may or may not be posting music much more.

While we lay browsing : .[Spoiler (click to open)].Open Internet Access Regulation

Firefox using Ad-block and Sponsorblock Ultimate is working fine. Firefox is a non chromium based browser in case people didn't know, one of the only ones and it's obviously more difficult for these big companies to effect them. Ad-block Ultimate also has anti-anti-adblock processes which seem to work very well.

Here's why I use an ad blocker. I like Reddit and so I thought that since I used it frequently, I would turn my ad blocker off for Reddit. Within the first hour I got a warning from my anti-virus software warning me that a website was trying to install a bitcoin miner on my system. I immediately turned my ad blocker back on. When I complained to Reddit, their response was that they couldn't control what third party advertisers did. A good chunk of the ads I am used to being served are scam garbage or political crap.

Ads make videos unwatchable, and the internet unbrowsable. I will always block ads, in all of my devices on my network. If I can't block them, I'll have to choose between paying for "premium", or stop using the service.

The changes on this platform just keep becoming more and more INSUFFERABLE, from disabling dislikes, the increasing difficulty for monetization, to all the flat out censorship and rampant deleting of comments.

For this reason, I had to stop from using Brave browser, since it's too tied in to advertising from which they make their crypto.

I know it costs money to keep this shit online, and that this is how many now make their incomes, full time or residual.
But we are just plain content makers, who do not get paid for any of our online activity. On the contrary, we are now asked
to pay per view, per registry, per subscription every step of the way. The so called open internet is no longer free.

I'd rather stop using Youtube, than tolerate the ads that infuriate me to no end, or pay to a company that hates me and everything I hold dear.

I've got a huge library of books and music to occupy my time, should this all disappear. I'll be happy as a pig in shit. How about you?

The Saga Continues :

Looks like the only safe place to set up a server would be in Antarctica )))

*Note : These comments and opinions are useless barely visible URLs, which are uninformative and vulnerable to link rot

.Blocking, throttling and censorship

Why does using the internet have to be like war?

dr. π (pi)

i spy, techyum, censorship, its all falling apart

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