
Dec 27, 2023 11:03

Youtube has now become a money-mongering piece of shit like Netflix, pay per view

With Google running algorithm and redirecting you to some propaganda filth of predictive programing.

October 9, 2006 - Google acquired YouTube for a whopping $1.65 billion in stock.

As a result of Big Tech moneyfuck, I no longer use Facebook, Linkedin, Youtube, Google, X(twitter),
Instagram, or any app that requires my first born to access. As a current former YouTube competitor,
Google acquired and changed the nature of Youtube to their monetary spyware in which Google intends
to spread their Adsense advertising throughout YouTube for profit to gain access into the social networking
market with their spyware. The have since deplatformed tens of thousands of channels, claiming terms of
agreement don't fit their company profile, ie. to spy on you and fuck you over.

Since that time Google has been eroding Youtube community by censoring and deplatforming content makers.
It's called "monetizing", ie. brain sterilizing.

One of over 30,000 legitimate independent journalists and content specialists, have gone to other platforms,
many of whom have now established independent channels on other platforms, such as Bitchute or Rumble

Google's claim is that it has introduced fresh response tools on YouTube to make video ads more "shoppable"
Not Content, but Video Ads, by which they don't care a rat's ass about content, just traffic and profit. via

" assist companies establish a more powerful existence" - as usual, we are being used and deceived for ill gain.

F*ck Google, Fcku Gootube, Fuck the Internet, Fock the World Wide Web
*Fokken ze Industrial Military Medical Media Banking Complex
F*ck Communist China CCP and TikTok 5G Wuhan Virus
F*ck the Ukraine bioweapon labs and human trafficking
Ban fake news CNN (communist news network)
Don't watch on YT, tell Gootube to go to hell..
Fuck Israel Hamas and the Middle East
Joker's Jukebox, Fuck That Noise !!
A night at the Opera, Use Duck-duck-go!
Use VPN and Ad Blocker, or go home
All the old blogs are missing
Nothing works anymore

Other video platforms are Vimeo, Bitchute, Rumble, Odyssey, and streaming such as on Roku

"Zuckerberg announced facebook will allow users to turn off political ads" : article via

If we were able to Fuck Facebook, why not Google?

Abandon Gootube - *Idea, turn YT sound off
Run YT nonstop in background all day,
just to inflate their bandwidth
and bankrupt Gootube
Using ad blocker

Fuck you Gootube

dr. π (pi)

google tube, internet censorship, techyum, fuck google

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