The Bulls of Passage

Nov 12, 2023 13:52

What is a Papal Bull?

"12 Many bulls surround me;
strong bulls of Bashan encircle me.
13 They open their jaws against me
like lions that roar and maul.
14 I am poured out like water,
and all my bones are disjointed.
My heart is like wax;
it melts away within me.
15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd,
and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth.
You lay me in the dust of death." - Psalm 22:12

Strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round. Bashan, the richest pasture-g"round of Palestine,
produces the largest and strongest animals (Ezekiel 39:18).
Hence "the kine of Bashan" became an expression for powerful oppressors (Amos 4:1).

The Bulls of Bashan : .[Spoiler (click to open)]a fierce opponent of Israel

The plain of Bashan was a large fertile plain used for pasture in the northern part of the territory of Israel (Duet 3:10, Josh 20:8). It was famous for it rich pasture used for raising well-fed cattle (Jer 50:19, Micah 7:14, Nah 1:4). The cattle raised on Bashan were proverbial for their strength, size, passion and self-contentment (Deut 32:14, Ps 22:12, Eze 39:18, Amos 4:1).

King Og was a fierce opponent of Israel when they arrived to take the land from the local inhabitants but Og was defeated (Deut 3:3-5). This territory was given to the half tribe of Manasseh (Num 21:33-35, Deut 3:1-11, 13, Josh 13:7, 8, 12.)

A papal bull is a type of public decree issued by a pope of the Catholic Church, named after the leaden seal (bulla).

From a series of woodcuts (1545) usually referred to as the Papstspotbilder or Papstspottbilder, by Lucas Cranach, commissioned by Martin Luther. "Kissing the Pope's feet"; German peasants respond to a papal bull of Pope Paul III. The caption reads: "Don't frighten us Pope, with your ban, and don't be such a furious man. Otherwise we shall turn around and show you our rears".

The Papal Belvedere by Lucas Cranach the Elder in the 1545, yet it's only so much "bull"

When the believers prayed after the Jewish council had released Peter and John, they quoted from another prophetic passage, Psalm 2, and said, "The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers were gathered together, against the Lord against his Anointed" (Acts 4:26).

Manasseh (tribal patriarch) ... Manasseh or Menashe (Hebrew: מְנַשֶּׁה, Modern: Mənašše, Tiberian: Mănašše) from the Book of Genesis, it was King Manasseh who murdered the prophet Isaiah. Second Chronicles 33

Strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round. Bashan, the richest pasture-g"round of Palestine, produces the largest and strongest animals (Ezekiel 39:18). Hence "the kine of Bashan" became an expression for powerful oppressors (Amos 4:1)

""19 But You, O LORD, be not far off;
O my Strength, come quickly to help me.
20 Deliver my soul from the sword,
my precious life from the power of wild dogs.
21 Save me from the mouth of the lion;
at the horns of the wild oxen You have answered me!" - Psalm 22:19-21

" And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, 'Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?' " - Matthew 27:46

.Manasseh in de col'col' groun'..."

Christ may have thought this while suspended in agony on the cross
that the Roman Catholic Bishops conspired to drink his blood and eat his flesh
and the Hebrews had him murdered to cover their sins
Satanic, wouldn't you say?

Jesus Gave Love Away for Free · Stephen Stills (1972)

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" They must trust in each other
Their souls
For to keep
And we all know that people
Ain't made to live lonely
They need to be trusted
And loved by one only
That one special one
Who can just let it be
And remember that Jesus
Gave love
Away for free " Stephen Stills Manassas

Manassas ℗ 1972

Band Member: Al Perkins
Producer: Chris Hillman
Backing Vocals: Chris Hillman
Drums, Producer: Dallas Taylor
Backing Vocals: Freddie Neil
Bass Guitar: Stephen Stills
Producer, Vocals: Stephen Stills
Writer: Stephen Stills

dr. π (pi)



gospel, jesus christ superstar, god is love, god wins!, satan claus

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