Contrary to the Fake Phoney and False Mainstream Media, and the American Deep State in Collusion with the Globalists
Putin is not taking over the Ukraine, he is driving the snakes out of Ireland.
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Laugh, and the world laughs with you! Russian military and Ukraine rural citizens partying.
If you actually use your eyes you would see there are Ukraine civilians in among the dancers, women in fact, let's go Brandon!
Those actual working Ukrainian citizens welcome Russia to protect them from larceny and money laundering.
The Ukrainian people cannot trust their own so called "military". Stoking the fire, western media is declaring war.
Through wood and dale the sacred river ran,
Then reached the caverns measureless to man,
And sank in tumult to a lifeless ocean;
And ’mid this tumult Kubla heard from far
Ancestral voices prophesying war! - Coleridge, Kahn
In collusion western media, compromised governments and corporatocracy keep pounding sand up our ass, to deflect from their criminality, stealing your taxes, insurances, pensions and assets.
The actual people of the Ukraine are being psy-opted and exploited for their economy by globalist elite bank interests and the EU to topple the economy and rape the resources.
Most of Donbass is occupied by Russians under Ukraine rule, ie. speaking Russian but "technically" living in Ukraine. Putin is giving them autonomy, not capturing them. This is not nothing, Donbass is the industrial sector of the geographic Ukraine, but geography politics and demographics don't necessarily coincide.
This is not about Russia taking over the Ukraine, but keeping Ukraine free and independent. The same as America should protect Canada from Communism. Five eyes. There are corrupt globalists who have infiltrated all institutions throughout the globe.
Ask what joe has to say about this, he got paid millions to instigate this psy-op w globalists in the Ukraine against their own people and against Russia! Kiev was a psy-op to destabilize Ukraine with a blag flag initiative called Maidan. Good luck globalist shitfucks. Putin's government removed all global central banks from Russian and arrested their executives. Putin is too much of a diplomat to ignore interference from globalist interests.
Vladimir Putin banned Jacob Rothschild and his New World Order banking cartel family from entering Russian territory “under any circumstances” in 2016. A message to all debt slaves. Pithy sanctions and tech talk "tools" are useless. Biden shuts down oil in Texas and Keystone pipeline in North America, while trying to control the Russian oil pipeline to Germany, calling anyone who doesn't agree with you "nazis". Maybe you are the nazi...
Russians Methodically Taking Out 'Ukrainian' Attackers : they actually the Ukraine army, or hired black ops to create optics against Putin at the sake of the true Ukraine people? Think past MSM lies and posturing.
So, let me ask you, how is this even rational? - "American rating agency Fitch says that if Western sanctions lead to Russia’s oil exports being completely cut off, the world can expect the international energy market to completely collapse." An old Bush term comes to mind comes to mind to aptly describe Biden and Nato, "Dumbass" (not Dunbass LOL).
“Within the context then of the fact that that window is still opening, although, open, although it is absolutely narrowing, but within the context of a diplomatic path still being open.” - Kamala Harris, regarding Putin
Fuck NWO, the world should be glad Putin has the balls to stand up to this global tyranny!
Hey, JB, Putin is laughing in your face, and rightly so!
Let's go Brandon!
dr. π (pi)