Change in the Narrative

Feb 24, 2022 11:27

Let me be prefectly clear. I'm not saying a viral agent doesn't exist. I'm just saying it's not what you think it is

"It's not a vaccination. It's not prohibiting infection. It's not a prohibiting transmission device. It's a means by which your body is conscripted to make the toxin that then allegedly your body somehow gets used to dealing with it, but unlike a vaccine, which is to trigger the immune response, this is to trigger the creation of the toxin." - Dr Michael Yeadon, Pfizer

The first phase of "Covid", both so quickly named and conveniently directed, was pretty much a nothing burger,
except for people being wrongly diagnosed with false positive PCR tests overtesting to manufacture the optics and hype up the narrative on MSM on the fear propaganda, causing average joe to panic, hide behind masks and at the first sign of symptoms head to the hospital, where they were mistreated by being put on remdesivir and dying of kidney failure, or intubated on ventilators with pneumonial symptoms, and aptly asphyxiated, calling it "Covid". Fucking sci-fi op. It was a nothing burger, because without the criminal deaths and murders in hostpial death camps, the recovery rate was 97.7%. Immunity stuides also said that we already had 60% immunity and soon reached to 80% reach herd in most locations. So, what me worry?

[Spoiler (click to open)]This, and the blocking of traditional early treatment medicines, have become the red herring of the medical communities. Why are nurses and doctors witnesseing this fallout, not allowed to question or speak out about it? Why are so called medical authorities blocking access to simple use of Ivermectin, hydroxichloriquine, and quercitin? Why is remdesivir a know kidney destroyer prescribed to people being false tested in ampled PCR test in hospitals, leading to kidney failure. Why are people with pneumonial rispiratory conditions becoming intubated on ventilators and drowning in their own spittle? All recommended by big pharma and CDC as necessary procedure to fight "covid". WTF is wrong with this picture?

Think bait and switch, sleight of hand, illicit profit, disaster capitalism, world depopulation, globalism new world order, financial control, the world is not what you think it is.

This psy-fi op believed to have started from gain of function bio-weapons in labs at North Carolina North Chapel Hill, Wuhan China, and "Operation Warp Speed", a term also used by the military back in 1976 to deliver another weaponized flu agent called Swine Flu, or SARS H1N1 at the time, began the concurring history of deadly disease and control injections, falsely posing as so called "vaccines". In April of 2021, the full "covid vaccine rollout" began, while additional variants had been identified, I suspect subsequently released into the public spectre to amp the public optics and conintue to manufacture fear hype in the media following public 24/7/365 for 2 years, while none of it made sense. Some believe the variants were actually being injected through the injections, which were openly being accepted by millions of unwittingly naive people who had come to rely on big pharma to cure everything over the Rockefeller century of Standard Oil petrochemical weapons and energy industry. In other words, every time you turn to tylenol to get rid of your headache, some corporate investor gets rich. So, back to reality, the injections were found to have ill to no effects to prevent any virus, so a booster was required to use up the pharma doses and to capture their full stock profits.

Evidently, this is a confusion of Military bio-weapons manufacturing, pharmaceutical disaster capitalism, medical tyranny, global depopulation, and financial collapse and hostile takeover. Welcome to George Orwell 2024.

So, just like in 1976 and again with H1N1 in 2009, their ploy didn't work. It fell short with a no visible science and a shit show of questions left unanswered. Enter "Omicron", extremely contageous and spreads very quickly and is persistent as hell, with both "vaxed" and "unvaxed" becoming sick on contact. Omicron, apparenlty knows no bounds. This is where it gets even more tricky. The evil ones, still claiming the mRNA is effective as a so called "vaccine", continue to maintain the optics that "we all must be injected, or we'll all going to die". Maybe the opposite is the truth. With the radical outcomes of adverse effects from these so called mRNA injections, which are by no definition a "vaccine", but some neural digital spike proteing DNA altering control agent, using spike proteins to destroy the body's ability to create natural immunity, have actually prove to lower immunity in those having been injected with multiple boosters. Let that sink in. It doesn't cure or stop Covid or any variants, both vaxed and unvaxed are still getting sick, and those who have injected this miracle poison are starting to find they have moral regrets. They are becoming sick with Covid, regardless.

Omicron, is like Covid done well. The gain of function has made it a fierce cold/flu that can be used for the optics of cases, but it doesn't make sense when compared to the vax. I know ample people including myself who this year finally got, "the flu". Yes it is contageous, yes it is aggressive. It sucks to be sick. However, it is not without resolve. And no fake phoney and false mRNA spike protein so called vax is involved. You can eventually rid yourself of it with the usual cold and flu remedies. Gone untreated, I believe it would be much worse, ergo the high numbers of people in hospitals. How many humans even know the basis of good nutrition, let alone fighting a cold. They have come to rely on big pharms to give them a pill. Thankfully this is not a full bio-weapon, only a weaponized virus for optics, or like the black plague, we would be walking the streets, "Bring out your dead!" So what's next in this sicence fiction disaster? When will the next poison weapon become unleashed on humanity? Gain of function equals game of fortune. The only ones become stinking rich from this tragic disaster, are the global elites, conrolling the show.

"It's not a vaccination. It's not prohibiting infection. It's not a prohibiting transmission device. It's a means by which your body is conscripted to make the toxin that then allegedly your body somehow gets used to dealing with it, but unlike a vaccine, which is to trigger the immune response, this is to trigger the creation of the toxin." - Dr Michael Yeadon, Pfizer

Coupled with this are huge technological advances, coming, full digital currency, data monitoring,
Will you become an electron and own nothing and will you be happy.

Welcome to George Orwell 2024.

I'm an observer, Chance the Gardener, "I like to watch".

dr. π (pi)

nwo, heal the world

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