Is It Art or Shite? ~ ARt for Art's Sake

Nov 17, 2008 12:07

ARt on art... by luke 11:17-08
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Stuck in futurist postmodern state of Tate antiquity... May I suggest you send the following communiqué from the W.R. Stuckists to the Jenkins Showler Gallery and report this to *Sir Charles Thompson immediately! *(Not a Serota)

The "Red Stripe?" by Carmelo Sortino ~ The guy's a liar!


It looks more like he pinched a loaf... eeeew!!!

To examine this further I have represented an x-ray blue version and a neon negative red stripe version of the work in question. Note: the subtle blue glow at the top of the black field. Does it really exist? Or does it simply appear during the transference of shite into digital (ARt). Whereas some things are better left unsaid, some things are nearly impossible to put into words (or pictures for that matter).

Maybe the so called 'artist' is dyslexic? This raises some important questions, "What is red and what is shite?" Forget, " What is ARt? " There are more artists being born out of therapy these days than in the whole history of art combined....

"Black Stripe" - truthfully, that's just a flipped negative image of the turd in the first painting!!! How original!!! Magnificent!!! Leonardo, what do you think??



... it does have an Italian feel to it

Can't we just paint a pretty picture anymore? Does it have to have a hidden meaning?

I may actually change my stance on symbolism after this.

I may become the *anti-symbolist,

*(anti-symbolist - kind of like the anti-christ, but more artistic, not HItler, but hitler-like)

Duchamp, Man Ray, Picabia ~ The Holy Trinity
... which one could say was born out of dada!
Not a Serota ~ Where the whole damn thing began!

Francis Picabia on his bicycle(s)

Jenkins Showler Gallery - Fine Contemporary Canadian Art - based in White Rock, British Columbia.

"Turd Simile" by luke, art on art, making use of negative space...

luke 11:-17-08

Sir Charles Thompson at the Tate
Art At Last ~ The Cow That Ate the Golden Calf
Welcome to Stuckism
The Days of Billy Childish
Maybe Where the Feud Started and Some Very Interesting Commentaries
Pablo Picasso Was Never Called an Asshole ( not in New York...)
A Man For Postmodernism ~ Pablo Picasso's Truth
Tristan Tzara and the Dadaist Manifesto ~ 1921

It would be insightful if anyone could answer the following as it relates to ARt on art, “What manifesto do you identify with or do you have your own manifesto (just pick one, lie if you cant be bothered, or if your answers are a little ambiguous or deeply concerned, perhaps most anonymously, post your own)? and Which manifesto do you think you could construct your lifestyle around (supposing that this is possible)? and Which manifesto do you think we as a collective could construct our lifestyles around (supposing that this is possible)?

The Headonistic Imperative
The Communist manifesto
The SCUM Manifesto
The Futurist Manifesto
The Libre Manifesto
The Surrealist Manifesto
The Millennial Manifesto
The Stuckist Manifesto
The Straight-edge Manifesto

Or ~ Is all this manifesto talk just nostalgic and irrelevant now?


carmelo sortino, turd simile, stuckist, black stripe, art on art, anti-art, anti-symbolism, making use of negative space, francis picabia, manifesto, dada, red stripe, dadaist movement

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