Sep 12, 2011 02:30

Hey Guys, my first chapter of sims legacy is here! I hope you enjoy! Since I am at this point, i think i am going to start a second family thing and make them ready for sims pets in october. I am not going to do the legacy idea on that one (well kind of but - not at the same time) At any point. Here is the 1-1 of my Simth family!

[ Although I do believe it if there is a 1-2 it will not be much, just a little of what is left of the first generation prior to the second generation continuing. I went ahead and picked my next heir although, depending on it's popularity between my friends, i may put a poll up to let you decide. :) I like short week comments on photos, so i didn't give an in depth story. I am also trying to figure out my groove of how I want to write about my Sim Legacy. Please bare with me for those reasons and enjoy otherwise! ]

Meet Gryffin Simth.
Gryffin traits are Ambicious, Rebellious, Bookworm, Athletic, Genius.

I would ask him to say Hello, however it seems to me, he is more interested in getting started in his career.

So what are you doing there Gryff? Reading and getting your skills up i see. Why aren't you focused on meeting someone to continue your legacy?

I guess you're right. Get a job. Get some money. Then find the ladies. You have to have something more to offer than a house that has no walls. How about you pick someone up now that you're on your way to being a Doctor? Please?

Ah thankyou. Just make sure she is single. I highly doubt you'd want that drama. She seems to like you Gryff! You should pursue it.

OH you're a smooth one Gryff.

Very smooth. Way to go! Let's get things in gear mister.

I think you won her over! DO IT GRYFF.

I told you she would say yes!

A private wedding in pjs? Eh oh well. We are on our way!

Meet the new Mrs. Simth! She is flirty, bookworm, genius, party animal, and virtuoso.

Yay! SO a roof is now over your head! What to do next?

Reading. Gosh you two were made for each other, you bookworms! How about kids? No, you both want to be rich don't you? We need some baby making before you get too old and kill my legacy!

LOOK at these awesome wedding gifts your friends sent! Awesome! I know how much Jamie loves her music. She turns it on EVERY time she has a chance she gets. It's always classic music as well.

About time you two. Now that you are half way through your medical careers it's about time to make some babies.

AND we're on our way!

First kid of the legacy, SO excited- is it going to be an accidental patriarchy?

Oh Gryffin you'll be such a good dad!

Jamie makes the best faces, whether in labor or not!

It's a girl! No patriarchy legacy here.

Meet Riley. At this point since the pregnancy went so well, traits were able to be chosen. This is where my rules changed a bit, I DID pick her traits. She is at this time a Artistic Snob.

Gryffin picked a winner, Jamie is all about her family despite her party animal trait!

Walking Riley, i have a feeling she'll get a positive trait when she gets to grow up.

Meanwhile, Gryffin is an official adult. You think you're studdly, don't you?

Riley has grown up to be a child by this point and you did a great job Jamie and Gryffin! She now has the Green Thumb trait.

Just a great blooper of growning up.

Riley wanted to play Queen of the table. She demanded attention at the table and ruled the kingdom!

More examples of how Gryffin is such a good father. aww.

Riley's ambition of driving started young.

Gryffin is working hard at becoming a world reknowned surgen!

*MISSING PHOTO* - sorry -
Gryffin and Jamie decided to buy a tree house for Riley. They of course had to test it out before she could use it and took advantage of the alone time... thus resulting in Jamie being pregnant.

And now we have a back a choice to make for the next generation!

Meet Jane. She has no sense of humor and is insane.

She grew up into being a bad kid and contributed the easily impressed trait.

(apparently I got super lazy taking pictures during this time, sorry :| ill do better next round)

The girls are now teenagers going to school and all about themselves. Of course being such extreme opposites it would only be natural that they didn't get along on their own.

So they fought and forced Jamie and Gryffin to introduce punishment into their lives.

Gryffin thought it was good for the girls to go to their own corners and think of how they've been behaving to each other.

Sobbing in the corners of the house.

BTW: Jamie is now an elder. Apparently Gryffin had snagged himself a cougar because he had just recently became an adult.

Riley, being a snob, doesn't like a negative attitude with her name. So of course, she would go and apologize to Jamie.

Jane didn't care since she had her imaginary friend, Wiggles, keeping her company!

So naturally she looks insane.

Gryffin should pay more attention to what Jane does with her free time...

Because shit goes down.

She asked Gryffin to teach her to drive and she received her certificate! Hoo-ray!

Meanwhile, Jane stayed out past her curfew... doing homework outside of school, and got sent home from the police.

So Jamie had to put her foot down when she saw Jane come home in a police car. She grounded her from leaving the house for the weekend. Unfortunately, it was Prom weekend. Guess Jane won't have any fun.

Riley went and Jane snuck out. Riley was prom queen! & Jane's punishment expanded and she wasn't allowed to watch TV for a day.

Riley has gotten to the point to graduation! She was voted Most likely to become a millionare! She also gained the trait of Natural Cook! (I think i forgot to mention she is Neurotic too...) >> and Jane added: brave and mean spirited.

Jane found a potion to make wiggles real!

Magical. Super sweet that Gryffin discovered this potion and gave it to Jane as a Graduation Gift... ironically being so mean spirited she was made he didn't give her something that was more expensive...

Wiggles is real and he's in love with Jane. How precious. Jane you really wanted something expensive?

Because money could never of bought you a bathroom engagement... that you would gladly accept from your now real imaginary friend...
(Wiggles traits : Dramatic, Can't stand Art, Frugal, hydrophobic, and absent minded)

The two then ran away from the house to begin their insane lives... making RILEY our start of the next generation. & We prepare by spending the $100,000 simoleons that was racked up from those long sim years played. Interestingly, is Gryffin and (more importantly) Jamie going to make it long enough to witness Riley getting married and continuing on the legacy? OR won't they?

sim legacy : generation 1. story 1.

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