083. (via iPhone)

Sep 07, 2011 10:30

So on August 4, I went up to Tobey and my gym to put a freeze on it since Tobey never leaves the basement. He used to be on this huge must loose weight and gain some muscles phase. Now were sitting at home paying $120/month for a gym we do not go to. Anyway I go last month to get it taken care of. (we froze it in fear that Tobey will gave his health kick again and do not want to deal with fees and other bullshit). The lady was nice and took care of things telling me since we are doing this after we were just charged August we can't get that money back. Fine I understand whatever.

Friday night Tobey informs me we were charged for our full membership payment at the gym. That pisses me off. Finally I get to go in today to talk to them. I walk in and conveniently there is a manager at the front desk. Cool. I approach him and he looks up the information. He looks at me and informs me that because we cancelled in august after aug payment that we had to pay septembers too and that our freeze is effective October 5. What?! How does that make any damned sense. "how does that work? Why am I paying a whole nother month on top of august that I had to pay for anyway? The woman I talked to said I had august to pay but nothing about september." he looks at me going "well this is accurate. It goes into effect oct 5". I look at him like he was the devil and he just shrugs off saying "sorry" in the most uncaring way and stopped giving me his attention.

I called Tobey whose sleeping at home an left a voice message. So now I'm sitting here super angry, disrespected, and pissed of to all hell... And I know Tobey is going to get ignorant to me about how I should of listened better bc he thinks I have a listening problem (he does- I don't- I tune his bitching out thats the problem). I fucked up with a banking issue a few months ago bc I didn't have 100% of the information and he gave me all hell over it. But he refuses to deal with these kind of things himself. So I get to feel like an idiot. I'm not aggressive I suck at negotiations or getting my way with taking off charges or whatever. Its not my thing never has been always ran to my mom for that bullshit. So I'm not going pissed with this but I swear if Tobey gets ignorant with me over how i always mess things like this up I am going to flip a lid. Obviously if this is a DAMN issue and I fail then you fucking do it lazy ass.

Of course I am prepredicting his douchery, I could be wrong but that's what I'm getting upset with right now.

I don't want to deal with anything I want a damn break.

Tobey was furious with how they treated me and is taking care of it. He said he called and hes waiting for a manager to call back. I guess I got stressed out over nothing. Well see what happens when they call him back.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

rant : money

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