Feb 18, 2004 00:53
well today was my mom's b-day
and i went and got her what ended up being 52 rosses and some candy and balloons. she was like " oh my god look at all my rosses"
the girl at the flower place looked at me like i was crazy when i told her what i wanted.
it was cool i was glad i was able to make my mom happy. you know she does so much for our house and i think she thinks it goes un knowticed but it doesn't. she works hard to make sure we have what we have and i love her for it i'm glad that instead of giving up on us having a relationship that i just moved out here and kinda forced us to have one she is a great person to get to know
so i went and got a new web cam those are fun plus i love taking pics i need to get one of george my cat
...ever knowtice how cat's don't sit still in a chair or hold a perfect pose for you? hmm i just found that out.. anyway so my browthr kissed his g/f today for the first time it weas funny after he came into the living room we were all cheering and clapping it was funny..well mabey not to him who knows...well kiddos i am getting off of this thing and going to finishtalking to my freind gina