Feb 17, 2004 00:56
the lights were flashing bright,first red then blue. they lit up the neigborhood. as tom was hauled off in hands cuff the neigborrs gatherd to see what the comation was about. no one would ever find out he kept saying in the back of his mind. if only it had been true. carlie and tom could have made something for themselves, she only had 3 years till she was 18......
i was thinking about writing about a young man who discovers his brothrs g/f has a crush on him and he persues the matter not worring about the 9 yr age difference. i have talked to a girl that now has a man put in jail for sleeping with her he was 22 and she was 15 i tought it would make for a neat book. i'd hold off on the steamy romance deatails but set the mood and paint a lustfull picture depicting the type of relationship they have. him being very carring and nurturing and her being slightly more mature for her age then most.. not sure i'll have to stew over the details and develope the charectors some more