Short Fiction: Semper fi, and all that.

Oct 11, 2013 14:11

For: revolyat
Pairing: Gibbs/Matt Smith
Prompt: Matt is the son of an old Marine buddy who was just hired to help out at NCIS. Sexual or non-sexual will do, but Matt definitely has his sights set on Gibbs. ;)
Notes: Headslaps welcome!

Author: pieofthetiger
Author's notes: Now, I have to say this before I start, this was kind of weird to write, but fun at the same time, none of my boys knew quite what they were supposed to do in such a situation as I'd suddenly placed them. Let's just say, they measured up to my expectations of them. Yay for busy muses!

"I still don't know if this is such a good idea, I don't do governmental cases," Matt told Agent DiNozzo as they walked out of the elevator. Of course, it was only supposed to be for a couple of days, Gibbs' team had been struggling a bit with some of the history sides of things. And low and behold, Matt was a big ole History buff. Still, when his father had asked him to help out an old buddy of his in NCIS, Matt had hardly been about to turn it down.

Semper fi, and all that.

"Well, you're here now, might as well make yourself useful," DiNozzo said in a much too chirpy tone, the man slipping into his desk and sharing a look with Ziva, "Saves us from doing all the boring stuff..."

"Ah, I see," Matt said slowly, a flicker of understanding appearing on his face. "And you think that I'm going to do your work for you? Bloody unlikely. What a hoot. I'm a consultant, not a squint you can push around like this is a big ole pissing contest!"


"No but's about it, I don't care who you are, or who you boss is, I'm here t'help, I'm not here to do all your dirty work," he told him, the two of them meeting eyes and they grinned at each other before Matt crunched a piece of paper into a ball in his fist, tossing it at Tony just as Gibbs walked around the corner, the lot of them getting back to work. Matt couldn't help but glance up over the computer in front of him as the older man passed, his mouth going dry at the air of authority Gibbs held.-He'd expected him to be younger and more annoying, but there was something about an older man that got his heart racing.

"Who are you?"

The gruff question didn't come as a surprise and Matt swallowed before standing up, his chair hitting the wall behind him in his rush. "Matt, sir. You asked for my father's help and he se-"

"Sergeant Smith, right? Doesn't surprise me, Harry was always the pushy type," Gibbs mussed, almost looking angry, his lips only just curling into a smile before it was gone again and the older man was tucking his hands behind his back. "You're the history buff he was talking about?"

"Yea, that's me," Matt replied brightly, allowing his eyes to drift over the man, even though it was painfully obvious that the man was as straight as a newly cut nail. "Was just telling Agent DiNozzo here-"

"About all his history stuff, boss," Tony interrupted standing up and reading out the news he got so far on their case, nothing much new, nothing they hadn't already known. "Just as boring as when it's in the books," he said giving a fake yawn, yelping as Gibbs walked past and gave Tony a smack upside the head, causing Matt to laugh, watching the older man appreciatively.

"I've actually already got something to add to the investigation," Matt said after a short moment, grabbing up his folder and stepping around his desk towards Gibbs, going onto explain before he was even being told to. "It seems the knife you found, isn' just ifty years old, after some research and tests, I was able to come to the finding that this knife is over three hundred years old, it's not just a replica, it's the real deal, not only that, Abby told me that she found over twenty different blood types on it."

"You know what that means, Boss," DiNozzo spoke up, looking at Gibbs.

"What does it mean, DiNozzo?" Gibbs asked him, his eyebrow lifting,

"A cult," Tony stated dramatically, his eyebrows lifted and an animated expression on his face.

"Either that or it's been killed with more than the three bodies you have so far," Matt deadpanned, causing Tony to look uncomfortable, the silence growing as all eyes turned to Gibbs.

"See what else you can find," Gibbs said finally, his eyes landing on Matt, throwing him a wink. "And make it as boring as you can, for Tony's benefit," he said before he was turning and heading for the stairs going to see the director.

jethro gibbs, fiction: short, matt smith, tony dinozzo

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