
May 10, 2014 23:19

To be honest, I'm really disappointed.

1. in You, because I remember how confident I was that we'll be working great together, even though I had some slight reservations about working in the same account with my closest colleague in the office. When R asked me how are you like, I told her very confidently that I've helped you on one account before, and you're really capable. As weeks passed R relayed many, many of her concerns about you to me, and I was still pretty adamant that you should be given some time cause you're new to the account. And then my reservations were proven right. Hate that our friendship is a lil strained now. I mean, how can I just tell you to your face that it's simply not good enough? I can't, I wouldn't, but I need to talk to you about it.

2. in You. I thought we were matured enough to handle this. And above all I thought we established quite a solid friendship - but apparently not. You're not even trying, in any way, to keep me in your life. What? Ytd was really the best example. You'd call E but not me, to ask if we can buy food back, knowing that I was eating with the rest. And I'm supposed to be the one you're closest to amongst them. What the, you don't even text E personally - when you have stuff to say to her, you address it in the group chat. I know it cause I know you. I don't understand this.

3. in You. No actually you're just irritating the shit outta me. I don't EVER go out one-on-one with the guys I used to date, especially after we've ended things. I don't need that sort of drama and I'm not that gracious. So seriously stop bothering me.I thought t'was pretty obvious when I gave a shitload of excuses to not meet up, and when I stopped replying. YOU JUST DON'T GET IT DO YOU!?!?
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