So long, 2009 and Yuletide (for now)

Jan 02, 2010 18:35

Yuletide has been revealed! I still have a list of fic an arm's length long, but that's half the fun, right?

My Yuletide contribution this year:

"Conversations Neatly Placed In Tired Mouths" (Life, Charlie, Dani & Ted {Gen}), for dotfic

I just loved writing it - something like coming home, I guess. I miss those three so much, so it was both happy and bittersweet revisiting them.

Also, bantha_fodder, in a spell of joint Pretender squee and birthday madness, wrote a Pretender/Adam Lambert fic for mandysbitch and it's FREAKIN' AMAZING.

"The Lights Just In Sight"

READ IT. There's flirting! Liquid liner! Miss Parker! Adam calling Jarod 'J'! *hearts made from hands*

It's very quiet as both members of my house-fam are watching the final Tennant Doctor Who. I feel like running around and screaming about Miss Parker and Jarod's OTPNESS OF OTP-ALL-TIME-ZOMG, but that would possibly be annoying.




life, pretender, yuletide

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