The HoS had a quiet one before heading out to Orphan's Christmas, then we came home and exchanged mucho gifts. I am a very spoilt girl, thanks to two people who shall remain nameless. <3 (I also got a present from Space!Wicki, which may only make sense to
butchiemcgee, but STILL.)
Most importantly! YULETIDE!
I got the most amazingly amazing Life fic - Charlie, Dani & Roman, and I swear it has to be written by one of you, or someone who needs to be on my Flist ASAP, because, yo, it's like it was scooped out of my brain.
"X, Y and Z Are Connected. It Might Be Love...Or a Pyramid Scheme" READ IT. Sandwiches! Partnerz! Roman! Sandwiches! Thank you, my Yuletide Santa!
How were your days? <3