i'll huff and puff and blow you away

Jan 08, 2009 11:54

I should have done this seventy years ago, but I was - uh, watching Hannah Montana, probably. Stolen from my flist, it's the...

2008 Year in Fic Meme!
Now with added vids

Stories written this year: 13. What a poor attempt!

"The Collarbone Press" (Life)
"Ein eindeutiger Mangel an Inspiration" (Psych, No Country For Old Men, Criminal Intent)
"Four Times Carlton Lassiter & Juliet O'Hara Pretended To Be Married (And One Time They Had To Make-Out To Distract A Perp)" (Psych)
"Dedication" (Life & In Plain Sight)
"Traffic Lights" (Life & In Plain Sight)
"A Mass of Things" (Life)
"Kissing Girls (You Shouldn't Kiss) (Life, Criminal Intent, Psych & The Inspector Lynley Mysteries)
"The Zen of Target" (Life)
"All The Little Things" (Psych)
"From The Circus To Conception in One Easy Step" (Psych)
"The Comforts of the Miserable" (Psych)
"In Sickness" (Psych)
"That Ruthless Gravity, That Foreign Sound" (Psych)

My favorite of my own stories this year: "From The Circus..." It genuinely brings a smile to my face, because it's so ridiculous and fluffy and baby ficcy and Lassiter proposes in a cleaner's cupboard. Yeah!

My best story this year: I think anything I wrote for Life. "The Collarbone Press" was easy and flowing and I'm actually really proud of it. Same with "A Mass of Things".

Story most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion: BITCHES BETTER RECOGNIZE

Most fun story I loved "Kissing Girls", but it wasn't exactly fun. All my Juliet and Lassiter are a barrel of sad, dead-to-me-Psych-you-totally-are fun.

Most sexy story: Sadly, I think it was from the "Ein eindeutiger Mangel..." set of drabbles, and the prompt 'Ironing Board'. If I managed to even make chores slightly attractive, I think I won something.

Story with single sexiest moment: Kissing her back, running his hand down her thigh and pulling her leg up so she was half-straddling his waist; her lipstick transferred and all over her face, his other hand between her back and her chest and oh, she'd be damned but he was nibbling her lips before pressing down on them, all teeth and tongue, again.

Hardest story to write: "That Ruthless Gravity..." took forever. Like, forever-forever. But it turned out well, and was the first time I saw Juliet/Lassiter as ~sexy times~. Well done, me.

"Holy crap, that's wrong even for you" fic: You know you love Dani/Marshall. Other than that, I was writing mostly the most white bread, picket-fenced OTP ever, so I kind of skipped out on the blood play, yep.

Fic that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: "A Mass of Things". It really made me click with Dani, and I think it's one of my best pieces. *preens* And Lassiter's section in "Kissing Girls". It was the first time I really understood him and Victoria, and how he knows he has to let go, but can't. Oh, Lassiter.

Biggest disappointment: "Dedication". Because I know what I was going for, but I think it fell really flat. Dani/Marshall, OTP! OMG! OMG! BROKEN! OMG! Bleh.

Biggest surprise: "From Circus..." Frickin' babyfic and it being the only thing I may possibly be good at.

Most telling story: "The Zen of Target". I like Target. anxietygrrl likes Target. I like buying things.

What's next? Your face Nothing about Psych, as it's DEAD TO ME. A bit of Earth 2, probably the end of "Franny Goren" (yes, really), VAMPIRE TWINZ. Just the same ol' crap, really.

Vids made this year:

"Twilol in 43 Seconds" (Twilight)
"Love, German Style" (Psych)
"PiecesofAlice: A LiveJournal" (Multi-fandom)
"Teacher's Pet" (Psych)

Favourite: KANYE BATON

Least Favourite: The Twilight one. Because a) crappy quality and b) it's Twilight. I also am not so keen on "Love, German Style" because it was made in five seconds, but re-watching it reminds me of the amazingly amazing faces Juliet and Lassiter pull at each other and then I remember Psych IS DEAD TO ME.

One you'd like to re-edit: The multi-fandom one, which I am in the process of doing. I love it, but I left so much out of it.

What's next? No really, your face The multi-fandom remix. Other than that, I really think the world needs a Charlie Crews vid to "Rollercoaster" by B*Witched.

Wasn't that fun?

memelicious, fic

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