Christmas present time!
jesshelga asked for her "scrappy three-song [Goren and Eames] list" to be completed, and I complied.
Probably not with as much soppiness, but eh. It's Christmas! Note about the ~wanky~ format: with Goren and Eames, I often find the dictionary and one-word sentences sum them up the best - thus the collaboration with
Merriam Webster's website. That, and I like words, yo.
Merry Christmas, J.Helg! Enjoy it, or else. Scary music plays
EVERYTHING IS SIMPLE NOW | A Modern Goren & Eames Mix
Love got all confused
With anger and pride
DOWNLOAD{MegaUpload, zip, mp3, 50mb}
MICHAEL PENN | Don't Let Me Go
What's left,
dis·tance \ˈdis-tən(t)s\
1. The degree or amount of separation between two points, lines, surfaces, or objects
2. The quality or state of being distant: as a: spatial remoteness b: personal and especially emotional separation ; also : reserve, coldness c: difference, disparity
JOHN LENNON | (Just Like) Starting Over
It's been too long
Since we took the time
meta·mor·phose \-ˌfōz, -ˌfōs\
1 a: To change into a different physical form especially by supernatural means b: to change strikingly the appearance or character of
2: To become transformed
I've seen you sewin' buttons on your shirt
I've seen you throwin' up when your stomach hurt
fa·cade \fə-ˈsäd\
1: The front of a building
2: A false, superficial, or artificial appearance or effect
CALEXICO | Lucky Dime
Funny to see a familiar face
Since you left us long ago
fa·mil·iar·i·ty \fə-ˌmi-lē-ˈ(y)er-ə-tē, -ˈ(y)a-rə-; -ˌmil-ˈyer-, -ˌmil-ˈya-rə-\
1 a: The quality or state of being familiar b: a state of close relationship : intimacy
GOMEZ | Catch Me Up
'Cause I shot down the moon for you,
That's right
proof \ˈprüf\
1 : The cogency of evidence that compels acceptance by the mind of a truth or a fact
2: Something that induces certainty or establishes validity
GOTYE | Heart's A Mess
Let me occupy your mind
As you do mine
teth·er \ˈte-thər\
1 : Something (as a rope or chain) by which an animal is fastened so that it can range only within a set radius
2 : The limit of one's strength or resources
YAEL NAIM | Lonely
Imagining the landscapes of your sorrow
Is it yellow or blue?
dis·so·ci·ate \(ˌ)di-ˈsō-shē-ˌāt, -sē-\
Inflected Form(s):
dis·so·ci·at·ed; dis·so·ci·at·ing
1: To separate from association or union with another
2: To mutate especially reversibly
M.WARD | Right In The Head
And I hope his guardian angel
Puts a gun in his hand
bleed \ˈblēd\
1 a: To emit or lose blood b: to sacrifice one's blood especially in battle
2: To feel anguish, pain, or sympathy
ELVIS COSTELLO & THE IMPOSTERS | The Name Of This Thing Is Not Love
Who in the world
Do you think that you are?
in·de·fin·able \-ˈfī-nə-bəl
1 : Not capable of being precisely or readily described; not easily put into words
LAMB | Please
I know there are times when
In ashes you lie
ar·dent \ˈär-dənt\
1 : Characterized by warmth of feeling typically expressed in eager zealous support or activity
IRON & WINE | Evening On The Ground (Lilith's Song)
Blame me
I will wear it
fuck \ˈfək\
1: Usually obscene : to engage in coitus with -sometimes used interjectionally with an object (as a personal or reflexive pronoun) to express anger, contempt, or disgust
THE BEACH BOYS | Wouldn't It Be Nice
And wouldnt it be nice to live together
In the kind of world where we belong?
to·mor·row tə-ˈmär-(ˌ)ō, -ˈmȯr-\
1 : on or for the day after today
I may have made it rain
Please forgive me
con·tent·ment \kən-ˈtent-mənt\
1 : the quality or state of being contented
con·tent·ed \kən-ˈten-təd\
1 : Feeling or showing satisfaction with one's possessions, status, or situation
MARK RONSON & PAUL SMITH | Apply Some Pressure
What happens
When you lose everything?
words \ˈwərds\
1 : Something that is said
2 : A speech sound or series of speech sounds that symbolizes and communicates a meaning usually without being divisible into smaller units capable of independent use
DOWNLOAD{MegaUpload, zip, mp3, 74mb}
Who else hates the dictionary and me now? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?