Here is the breakdown:
March 8th, we make soap
March 10th, first picture, stirring stage
March 12th, pudding stage
March 14th, cream cheese stage
And now, March 20th, the "Hard Cheese" stage. Believe me, they look and feel like cheese at this stage. It is no longer caustic, and is now hard enough to manage to drop the batch out of the primary mold. I took the liberty of pulling the sides away from the container so it would come out easier a couple days ago. Not bad, didn't break!
And now we get to cut it into bars... but how many will we get? My guess (and best hope) was that we would cut 200 bars...
And actually, the final count was 201 bars!
The next step is to find room in our small apartment to dry 201 bars of soap. We're leaving them on the counter tonight, then tomorrow I guess we'll stack them like cord-wood. Thats are only option, we got no space... and lots of hobbies.