New Babies (cute warning!)

Sep 11, 2009 16:55

My mischief has gone from 7 to 4, with two not doing too well. My oldest boy, Feet, is seriously showing his age. He'll be 3 in November. He's got serious hind end degeneration, his legs are crossed so severely that it looks like his right is his left and visa verse. However, he's still majorly cuddly, eats, drinks, grooms, bruxes and boggles. He's all by himself in a smaller single level cage that sits next to my bed, and he sleeps draped across my neck at night (until he tells me it's time to go empty himself - very considerate of him).

Recon has a huge tumor on his side. I'm not all that surprised, he's a pet store baby. But the tumor does not appear to be causing him any discomfort, and he acts like his old self, except he's more accepting of lovins. He's always been skittish.

So, realistically, I'm looking at losing two more boys. Hopefully, not for a while, but they'll let me know when they're ready to go. In the mean time I thought it was time to go in search of the next generation.

These two boys were born August 26th, and they're going to be coming home with me in two more weeks. In the mean time, since their mama belongs to a friend of mine (serendipitous oops litter), I get to spend as much time as I want with them. They're already kissy and learning my voice! I'm so excited.

The black English Irish boy is named Ticker (in reference to his perfect heart marking). The mink berk has no name yet, but he'll probably get one that refers to the kink in his tail. He's my husband's baby, so hubby gets to pick the name.

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