(no subject)

May 22, 2006 17:22

it's amazing how quickly things can change in a week. it seems like my life has been a series of shifts lately, which it has, and im trying to keep myself up to date on all of the goings on.

dana and i aren't living in our apartment anymore. =-( After about the third day there, we came back from work and our apartment REEKED of cat pee. It was so bad we couldn't even stay there over night. this was particularly strange and unexpected since we moved in and the carpets were NOT soaked in cat pee... in fact, the owners before us didn't even have a cat. so i called the landlady and told her the situation and we figured out that either the repairmen had let the gardener's devil cat in and he sprayed all over, or it was seeping up through the floorboards from the ground below since we were on a raised foundation (which i think is more likely). long story short, she refused to replace the carpets and offered that we move into the studio next door which ALSO had been infested with cats. as everyone knows, dana has severe asthma-associated allergies to cats, which is why we cant have emma =-(, and she knew this but refused anyways and offered to have pedro her carpet cleaner run his tiny carpet cleaning machine to temporarily mask the smell. so yeah, at the advice of multiple family members we decided to terminate our lease instead of taking her to court. *sigh* =-( it all seems very overly-dramatic and unnecessary, but at least it is over and we don't have to deal with maria. (and a broken sink, broken bath faucet, mold, water damage, lack of window locks/screens, crazy Amazon David, and a million freaking cats.)

we've both kind of mutually decided to come home for a while after school ends.. for one, we don't have another apartment lined up yet, and we both have been spreading ourselves too thin between work and school and everything else. i think it's for the best and am actually pretty optimistic about having some time to relax and go to the beach and work on some artwork. so yeah, hopefully a few of you will have some time back in thousand oaks to hang out between the numerous internships and other living locations and such. it would be nice to catch up and do mingling things like lovely old times. =-)  
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